nulib / images

Hydra based image application
3 stars 1 forks source link

Developer prereqs

Installation and Configuration

Local development only

You'll need to install imagemagick to handle the tiff to jp2 conversion on your local machine. brew install imagemagick --with-libtiff --with-jp2

You'll also need redis running on port 6379 brew install redis Then you can start sidekiq normally using bundle exec sidekiq

Running the application

Testing the application

You'll need to be connected to SSL VPN.

The capybara-webkit tests require a WebKit implementation from Qt that can be installed with homebrew. See detailed instructions.

brew install qt@5.5
brew link --force qt55

After running this command you should get the following output:

$ which qmake

Make sure to start jetty with rake jetty:start before running the tests.

Run rspec spec to test the entire app.

To test the main image model, run:

rspec spec/models/multiresimage_spec.rb

To integration test the app, run:

rspec spec/features


cap [environment] deploy Keep in mind that a deploy only copies over whatever files are in the public github repo, so many config files don't get copied during a deploy.

We're going to mount shares on images (both staging and prod) and use ImageMover and use FileUtils to move them around.