nullibrew / Graph-Analyzer

An LDAP to Neo4J loader and analyzer tool
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LDAP to graph Loader and Analyzer

Graph Loader, aka Graph Analyzer v 1.0 - Alex Babeanu, 2016


The Graph Loader and Analyzer tool creates a Neo4J Graph database from data read from any LDAP directory. In the graph, Users and Groups are related using 2 types of relationships:

Sample resulting Graph:

Sample Graph image

The idea is to then :

  1. use the graph to optimize and simplify the LDAP Directory, through the use of relevant CYPHER queries (V 2.0). The optimizations could then be reported and acted upon.
  2. use the graph directly in Access Policy decisions

Finally (v 3.0), the Analyzer could apply the suggested optimizations directly to the LDAP directory.

Note that the Loader can also be just used as such: an LDAP to Graph loader tool.


Currently at version 1 (December 2015), the Graph Analyzer has the following features:

A sample LDIF files is provided, with 2000 users and 200 groups (file: data/NeoLDAPSample.ldif). The group memberships are random.


The utility is built as a Gradle project using the Groovy language. It therefore requires:

Finally, this utility uses the UnboundID Java LDAP SDK, the corresponding libraries are therefore also required.


  1. Download the source (use the develop branch !).
  2. Update the configuration files to match your environment (location: the resources subdir). See below for configuration details...
  3. From the source dir: gradle build --refresh-dependencies .
  4. To Run: - Or on Windows boxes: groovy -cp build/libs/GraphAnalyzer-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:runtime/* -Djava.util.logging.config.file=resources/ NeoLoader.groovy


The Graph Loader uses the following config files...

Gathers all the connectivity and metadata of the source LDAP Directory. In particular:

The Java Logging properties file. Used here mainly to set the log level for the utility. Just set the .level property.

Gathers all configuration information pertaining to the target Neo4J server. I.e.,


A JSON file that provides LDAP Attribute to Neo4J Node Property mappings for each Entity supported by the Loader. The Entities can be either of Group or Person. Mappings are provided for each: LDAP Attributes (left) are mapped to Neo4J property names (right). The Loader will only fetch the LDAP attributes mapped here.

About Performance

The Graph Loader is designed with performance in mind, at the cost of RAM. It performs the minimal I/O operations on both source and target sides. To achieve this, the Loader buffers all read LDAP entries in memory.

The amount of memory required depends on the number of attributes mapped (the fewer the smaller the amount of required RAM), the size of the mapped attribute values and the number of Entries to load. Several GB of RAm may be required for millions of LDAP entries.

Since the Neo4J server is expected to be remote, the Loader can't use the Neo4J Java SDK, which only supports (as of Dec. 2015) embedded Neo instances. The loader therefore has to issue as many REST create calls as there are nodes and relationships to create (see also section 'Next Steps' below). The Neo4J I/Os are the bottleneck here.

Benchmarking baseline, using the provided LDIF sample:

2002 Users, 205 Groups and 2774 Relationships created in about 35s on a Mac powerbook with 16GB RAM...

Next Steps

Possible future enhancements:

For v 2.0:

For v 3.0:

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