nullromo / cash.nvim

Adds additional search registers to Neovim
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šŸ’ø Cash.nvim

CASH: Choose from Available Search Highlights

šŸ’° Overview

This plugin adds additional search registers to Neovim. Normally when you perform a search in (Neo-)Vim, your previous search is overwritten. Cash.nvim provides you with 9 "cash registers" (haha) that you can use to store multiple searches at once. Highlighting and jump functionality is handled separately for each cash register.

šŸ’³ TL;DR / Quick Start

Use ?<number> (1-9) to select a cash register. This gives you 9 individual searches that can be highlighted simultaneously.

šŸŖ™ Video Demo

šŸ’µ How to Install

Lazy.nvim config:

    opts = {}, -- specify options here
    config = function(_, opts)
        local cash = require('cash')

šŸ’¶ Compatibility Issues / Warnings

Cash.nvim will overwrite the default behavior of the ? key.

šŸ’² How to Use

Search Normally

With Cash.nvim, you can perform searches normally, and they will show up normally. Start a search with /, *, or # (but not ?; see below) from normal mode, then use n and N to navigate through the highlighted matches.

Select Cash Register

By default, your working cash register is cash register 1. Every time you search, the contents of cash register 1 will update to match your search terms. You will jump between instances of the search term stored in cash register 1.

To switch to a different cash register, press ? followed by a single digit. This will change the working cash register to the specified number. For example, use ?2 to switch to cash register 2.

Once you change cash registers, the search highlighting of the old cash register will remain on the screen. You can then perform a new search independent of the previous one. Any search you perform will always overwrite the contents of the working cash register.

Jumping always jumps between occurrences that match the contents of the working cash register, skipping over matches for other cash registers. If you want to jump between matches for a different cash register other than the working one, simply switch back to that cash register and start jumping.

Clear Cash Registers

To clear the contents of the working cash register, use :clc. This will also set Vim's search to an empty string.

To clear all cash registers and reset the plugin to its initial state, use the :ResetCashRegisters user command (or the require('cash').resetCashRegisters() function). This will set Vim's search register to an empty string and clear the contents of all cash registers.

Case Sensitivity

Cash.nvim will respect the ignorecase option, but the case sensitivity can be overridden in the search pattern as normal using \c or \C (see :help /\c).

Note: changing the value of the ignorecase option will not update the highlighting for non-active cash registers. See #4 for details

šŸ’± Customization

Default Options

    -- center the screen after each search
    centerAfterSearch = true,
    -- color settings
    colors = {
        -- default colors for foreground and background (used for highlight
        -- groups where fg/bg are not specified)
        defaultBG = constants.colors.roninYellow,
        defaultFG = constants.colors.sumiInk0,
        -- define colors for highlight groups 1-9
        highlightColors = {
            { bg = constants.colors.roninYellow },
            { bg = constants.colors.springBlue },
            { bg = constants.colors.sakuraPink },
            { bg = constants.colors.springGreen },
            { bg = constants.colors.autumnYellow },
            { bg = constants.colors.oniViolet },
            { bg = constants.colors.autumnGreen },
            { bg = constants.colors.autumnRed },
            { bg = constants.colors.waveBlue2, fg = constants.colors.fujiWhite },
    -- control whether or not using * or # from normal mode will jump to the
    -- next occurrence. Vim will jump by default; this plugin disables the jump
    -- by default
    disableStarPoundJump = true,
    -- leave vim's hlsearch setting alone. This plugin overrides hlsearch by
    -- default
    respectHLSearch = false,

Options Table

Option Data Type Default Description
centerAfterSearch boolean true Each time you perform a search, Cash.nvim will center the current window for you.
If you don't like this behavior, you can disable it by setting this option to false.
colors.defaultBG and colors.defaultFG string ('#RRGGBB') see above These will be the highlight background and foreground, respectively, for highlight colors that do not have a bg or fg color specified, respectively.
colors.highlightColors list of 9 { bg = string, fg = string } items see above This is a table of 9 values, each with a bg and fg field. These define the highlight colors for each of the 9 available cash registers. If a bg or fg value is not specified in one of these entries, then the colors.defaultBG/colors.defaultFG color will be used. Colors should be of the form '#RRGGBB'.
disableStarPoundJump boolean true By default, Vim will jump you to the next occurrence of a search term if you initiate the search using * or #. Cash.nvim disables this by default. You can preserve Vim's default behavior by setting this option to false.
respectHLSearch boolean false In order to enable search highlighting for the current search, you need to enable the hlsearch Vim option. Cash.nvim does this automatically, but if you want your hlsearch setting to be left as-is, then you can set this option to true.

šŸ’“ Other Tips

Here are some other searching tips that are not part of Cash.nvim's functionality, but might be useful.

Add a search term to the current search

When searching in Vim, \| is the "or" operator, meaning the pattern foo\|bar will match occurrences of foo and occurrences of bar. This mapping allows you to search for something, then press + to start searching for something else in addition. It works by starting a new search that begins with the contents of the old search register plus a \| at the end.

vim.keymap.set('n', '+', '/<C-r>/\\|')

By default, the + key in Vim just moves the cursor down 1 line. It is very similar to j, so it's not that useful. For this reason, + is a good candidate for remapping.

Center the screen after jumping to a match

This mapping centers the screen after each jump with n/N.

vim.keymap.set('n', 'n', 'nzz')
vim.keymap.set('n', 'N', 'Nzz')

This can provide a more consistent experience when paired with Cash.nvim's centerAfterSearch option.

šŸ¦ License, Contributing, etc.


I am very open to feedback and criticism.

šŸ’· Special Thanks

Bronze Tier Sponsors

šŸ¤‘ Donating

To say thanks with some cash, sponsor me on GitHub or use @Kyle-Kovacs on Venmo. Your donation is appreciated!