numeralbank / numerals

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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CLDF dataset derived from curated Chan's "Numeral Systems of the World's Languages" from 2019

How to cite

If you use these data please cite


This dataset is licensed under a CC-BY-4.0 license

Available online at

Conceptlists in Concepticon:

The underlying data are based on

Chan, Eugene (eds.) 2019. Numeral Systems of the World's Languages. - accessed: 30 Sep 2019

released as channumerals v1.0 which are citable as DOI 10.5281/zenodo.3475912.


Build Status Glottolog: 99% Concepticon: 100% Source: 100%

Possible Improvements:


Name GitHub user Description Role
Eugene Chan study design, data collection and data maintainer DataCollector, Author
Hans-Jörg Bibiko @Bibiko patron, code, helped with data collection DataCollector, DataCurator, Maintainer
Christoph Rzymski @chrzyki helped with code Maintainer, Other
Robert Forkel @xrotwang helped with code and project structure Other
Kristina Pianykh @Kristina-Pianykh helped with data cleaning Other
Marie Charlotte Gertich @mcgertich helped with data cleaning Other
Simon J. Greenhill @SimonGreenhill helped with with code and data collection Other
Johann-Mattis List @lingulist Other

CLDF Datasets

The following CLDF datasets are available in cldf: