numfocus / elections

Board election process - documentation and tracking
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NumFOCUS Board of Directors & Technical Steering Committee Elections

All Contributors

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NumFOCUS has a Board of Directors (composed of an Administrative Board and a Technical Steering Committee) who provide guidance, oversight, and support for various NumFOCUS-led initiatives. [^1] Members of these groups have fixed term limits. As members complete their term or step-down, new members need to be elected to the board. Historically, there has not been a formal process for recruiting and admitting new board members.

A volunteer-led Election Committee has been formed to plan and execute elections for the Board of Directors and Technical Steering Committee in a fair, unbiased, and transparent manner.

[^1]: Who is the board & how does the board serve NumFOCUS?

[!NOTE] This is the first NumFOCUS board election and the election committee is a newly formed team. We’ll create and document the procedural details in this repository as we conduct the election. You can track ongoing activities on the Issue Tracker, and share your thoughts. We’d love input from the community in all aspects of this election.

Upcoming election 🗳️

Open seats

The NumFOCUS governing Board consists of an Administrative Board and a Technical Steering Committee. The former group deals with higher-level strategic and administrative decisions, while the latter deals with more hands-on day-to-day technical decisions.

Process and timeline

The election process will involve the following phases. The dates are tentative and are subject to change depending on the community engagement during the nomination and voting phases.

Election phases Tentative dates
Nomination period June 14–July 5
Nominee application review (by election committee and NumFOCUS board) July 5–July 12
Notify nominees and get confirmation July 12–July 26
Voting period July 26–Aug 9
Review election results (by NumFOCUS board) Aug 9–Aug 23
Publish results announcing new board members Late August / Early September

Contents 🗂️

This repository hosts documents related to NumFOCUS board elections, and ongoing tasks & activities are tracked on the issue tracker.

Reference documents 📑

If you are interested in joining the election committee and have at least 2 hours/week to dedicate to this effort for a few months, please reach out to the team at Note that all community members can share feedback and thoughts on the activities. The committee is responsible for executing the election, which requires some steady time commitment.

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Pavithra Eswaramoorthy
Pavithra Eswaramoorthy

📖 🤔 💬 👀 🚧
Tetsuo Koyama
Tetsuo Koyama

🚧 🌍 💬 👀 📖 🤔
Matthew Rocklin
Matthew Rocklin

🤔 💬
Leah Silen
Leah Silen

🧑‍🏫 📆 👀
Juanita Gomez
Juanita Gomez

Lars Grüter
Lars Grüter

Paul Ivanov
Paul Ivanov

🤔 📝
Andy R. Terrel
Andy R. Terrel

🤔 📝
James Powell
James Powell

🧑‍🏫 🤔
Sylvain Corlay
Sylvain Corlay

John Carney
John Carney

Cheuk Ting Ho
Cheuk Ting Ho

Abdullah "AJ" Khan


This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!