numo-labs / lambda-taggable-createDocument

:memo: Tag-E Create and Update Documents
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Updates files to deploy in package.json #4

Closed nikhilaravi closed 8 years ago

nikhilaravi commented 8 years ago

@nelsonic after you've merged this can we test that creating/re-indexing documents works again after the refactor?

Also I would like to refactor this lambda to use es6...

nelsonic commented 8 years ago

@nikhilaravi looks good. I will re-run the script to update the data. To justify refactoring code to use new language features, first design a test that benchmarks the "old" code, and when you find a bottleneck refactor ... :chart_with_downwards_trend:

nikhilaravi commented 8 years ago

@nelsonic it wouldn't be refactoring everything - just want to remove things like mutating objects for which I couldn't use any object methods or spread etc.