numo-labs / lambda-taggable-createDocument

:memo: Tag-E Create and Update Documents
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This Lambda is used to add / update documents in the Numo Labs taggable system.
The tagging system structure is shown below:

inspirational-search-taggable-system Link to edit this diagram

The taggable system stores all documents in an S3 Bucket ('numo-taggy').
When a tag (.json file) is inserted/updated in the S3 Bucket this triggers two Lambda functions:

Both CloudSearch & Neo4J are run as a managed service in the AWS cloud. Ask Pascal for for more info.

The lambda function is invoked with the tag data as fields in the event object i.e the event object has the form:

  _id, // string
  location, // object with lat and lon keys
  displayName, // string
  tags, // an array of objects
  metadata, // an array of objects
  markets // object of objects

If you need a sample event to test-run this lambda in the AWS Console, see: /test/fixtures/test_hotel_tag.json
In the AWS Console you should see something like:
`--> Tag test:hotel.mhid.77bvb7p Saved to S3:
The URL is is your newly created/updated tag.

Environment Variables

To run this Lambda Locally you will need an .env file in the root of your project with the following Environment Variables:

export AWS_S3_BUCKET=numo-taggy
export AWS_REGION=eu-west-1
export AWS_IAM_ROLE=arn:aws:iam::123456789:role/lambdafull

Obviously you will need to set the correct values. If you are stuck ask!