nuochenpku / Harry-Potter-Dialogue-Dataset

[EMNLP 2023]This the repository of Harry Potter Dialogue Dataset.
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dataset dialogue


This repository contains resources for accessing the official training and test data of Harry Potter Dialogue Dataset (HPD). The HPD is proposed in the paper: Large Language Models Meet Harry Potter: A Bilingual Dataset for Aligning Dialogue Agents with Characters

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πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯ Check out our [HPD Project Page] for more results and **downloading datasets**! πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯


We present HPD: Harry Potter Dialogue Dataset to facilitate the study of building dialogue agents for characters in a story. It differs from existing dialogue datasets in two aspects: 1) HPD provides rich background information about the novel Harry Potter, including scene, character attributes, and character relations; 2) All these background information will change as the story goes on. In other words, each dialogue session in HPD correlates to a different background, and the storyline determines how the background changes.

Harry Potter Dialogue is the first dialogue dataset that integrates with scene, attributes and relations which are dynamically changed as the storyline goes on. Our work can facilitate research to construct more human-like conversational systems in practice. For example, virtual assistant, NPC in games, etc. Moreover, HPD can both support dialogue generation and retrieval tasks.

Formally, the task of aligning dialogue agents with characters in a storyline can be defined as follows: Given a dialogue history $\mathbf{H}$, corresponding dialogue scene $\mathbf{S}$ and participants information $\mathbf{P}$ as input, which are changed depending on the development of storyline, as shown in the Figure.

The dialogue agent is supposed to generate a response $\mathbf{Y} = y_1, y_2,...,y_n$:

$$\mathcal{Y}=argmax_Y \textit{P}(\mathbf{Y}|\mathbf{H},\mathbf{S},\mathbf{P})$$

In this repository, we release Chinese and English versions of collected HPD. Notice that, due to the misalignment of English and Chinese story corpus, the collected data in English and Chinese may slightly differ.

Quick Links


Our datasets consist of the following parts:

Our dataset are annotated by four professional annotaters (Harry Potter Fans), which is divided into four stages:

Considering not all characters are essential to understanding and driving the story in Harry Potter series, we choose 113 important characters to annotate their attributes and relations, such as Harry, Ron and etc.

Training Data

we request the annotators to extract all multi-turn dialogues from the books. Besides, the speaker name of each utterance in the session is labeled as well. As a result, we collect 1042 dialogue sessions as our training set.

Test Data

HPD constructs a test set with 178 dialogue sessions to evaluate how similar a dialogue system is to Harry Potter. Each session in our test set consists of at least one positive response and 9 negative responses. This test set can facilitate the evaluation of both generation-based and retrieval-based dialogue systems.

Attributes and Relations

We divide the attributes into two categories: (1) inborn; (2) nurture. The former denotes some innate attributes or abilities, which contains $\texttt{Gender}, \texttt{Age}, \texttt{Lineage}, \texttt{Talents}, \texttt{Looks}$. The latter refers to properties through acquired efforts or opportunities, including $\texttt{Achievement}, \texttt{Title}, \texttt{Belongings}, \texttt{Export}, \texttt{Hobby}, \texttt{Character}, \texttt{Spells} , \texttt{Nickname}$.

The relations between Harry and other characters can be classified into binary relations and discrete relations. The former includes 8 types, which are $\texttt{Friend}, \texttt{Classmate}, \texttt{Teacher}, \texttt{Family}, \texttt{Lover}, \texttt{Opponent}, \texttt{Teammate}, \texttt{Enemy}$. There are 4 types of discrete relations: (1) Harry's $\texttt{Familiarity}$ to someone, (2) Harry's $\texttt{Affection}$ to someone, (3) someone's $\texttt{Familiarity}$ to Harry, and (4) someone's $\texttt{Affection}$ to Harry. In our dataset, the familiarity ranges from 0 to 10, and the affection ranges from -10 to 10.

Annotation Rules

Detailed annotation steps and rules can be seen in our paper.

Data Download

Ethical Statement

To avoid the potential issue of using Harry Potter Novels, we promise the annotated dataset is developed for non-commercial use. Moreover, we only provide the line number and page number of each collected dialogue in Harry Potter novel rather than give the detailed content of each dialogue session. We further supply the script to extract corresponding raw dialogue data from the novels according to the provided line and page numbers. As for the annotated character attributes and relations, we have our own copyright and release for research communities.


As for downloading our datasets, please refer to our new website HPDialogue.

Data Format

We process our data in a unified format, and store in json files. The general format is:

  "Position": <Chapter-Scene>,
  "Speakers": [speaker-1, ..., speaker-n],
  "Scene": <context>,
  "Dialogue": <dialogue context>,
  "Positive-Response": <response text>,
  "Negative- Response": [<negative_text_1>, ..., <negative_text_n>] (test set only)
  "Attributes": {
    "speaker-1": {
      "name": <name_text>,
      "nickname": <nickname_text>,
      "Spells": <spells_text>
    "speaker-n": {
      "name": <name_text>,
      "nickname": <nickname_text>,
      "Spells": <spells_text>

  "Relations With Harry": {
  "speaker-1": {
      "name": <name_text>,
      "friend": <friend_score>,
      "His familiarity with Harry": <familiarity_score>
    "speaker-n": {
      "name": <name_text>,
      "friend": <friend_score>,
      "His familiarity with Harry": <familiarity_score>


Also, we can free to change our dataset into other formats, such as Personal-Dialogue Format. Notice that, sometimes "Relations With Harry" could be none if the dialogue speakers not in the annotated 113 important characters.

All_Data Download

Morever, we provide HPD to download:

Baseline Evaluation and Download

Here we report automatic and huaman evaluations results of four baselines in our paper (only English at the time).


      title={Large Language Models Meet Harry Potter: A Bilingual Dataset for Aligning Dialogue Agents with Characters}, 
      author={Nuo Chen and Yan Wang and Haiyun Jiang and Deng Cai and Yuhan Li and Ziyang Chen and Longyue Wang and Jia Li},