Go @ IDE is an editor dedicated to the embedded World
some features:
- Its editor (which is based on the wonderful library "scintilla" http://www.scintilla.org/), is lightweight and powerful.
- Has additional features such as "syntax highlighting", "code folding" and "code completion" based on the used language API.
- Includes the capability to connect with the real hardware (through the serial or the USB port) obtaining the console of the Target inside it.
- It's able to run the .py file on the Hardware (using the raw REPL interface).
- It's able to send the .lua/.lc file on the Hardware (using the XMODEM protocol).
- Supports some terminal commands (standard ansi/vt100), so it's able to play games like "hanoi" or "hungman".
- Supports the FLASH (on the target) programming through the DFU/Arduino boot loader.
- Supports easily the "libusb" through Lua scripts (experimental).
- It's easily extensible through Lua scripts.
Goat currently includes the support for:
eLua Videos:
How to build and install on Linux:
- Be sure we have the package "libgtk+2.0" installed:
- $ sudo apt-get install libgtk+2.0
- In order to support the "libluausb" (experimental) the libusb1.0 library is required:
- $ sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0
- $ cd $HOME
- $ git clone git://github.com/nuraci/Goat-IDE.git
- $ cd Goat-IDE
- $ cd scintilla/gtk
- $ make all
- $ cd $HOME/Goat-IDE/Goat
- $ make all
- $ sudo make uninstall (if isn't the first installation)
- $ sudo make install
How to install on Windows:
How to build and install on Windows:
- Install the "Mingw/Msys" packages:
- http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw/files/latest/download?source=files
- Launch the setup "mingw-get-inst-xxxxxxxx.exe" and choice the "Download
latest repository catalogues"
- Selecting following components: C and C++ compilers, "MSYS Basic System" and
- "Mingw Developer ToolKit".
- Donwnload Go@ sources from here:
- https://github.com/nuraci/Goat-IDE/zipball/master
- Now unzip sources inside a directory for example inside the c:\temp directory
- Open the mingw shell and go on sources directory:
- $ cd /c/temp/nuraci-Goat-IDE-xxxxxxx
- Build the scintilla library:
- $ cd /c/temp/nuraci-Goat-IDE-xxxxxxx/scintilla/win32
- $ make
- Build Goat:
- $ cd /c/temp/nuraci-Goat-IDE-xxxxxxx/Goat/win32
- $ make
- Copy runtime libraries:
- $ cp /mingw/bin/libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll /c/temp/nuraci-Goat-IDE-xxxxxxx/Goat/bin/
- $ cp /mingw/bin/libstdc++-6.dll /c/temp/nuraci-Goat-IDE-xxxxxxx/Goat/bin/
- Launch the Go@ editor:
- Use the windows explorer, localise Goat.exe and double click on it.
Quick start.
- If your Linux is "Ubuntu" you can find "Goat" on menu: applications for development
- Then after you have connected one target board, please set the serial port name on Goat, using the menu: "Options" -> ""Open User Options File", and put this line inside it:
- serial.port="port"
- some examples, Windows: serial.port=COM6, Linux: serial.port=/dev/ttyACM0
- save the "GoatUser.properties" (Windows) or the ".GoatUser.properties" (Linux) file
- After each change to the settings, you need to exit and reopen Goat again...
- Now you should have the target prompt on the "Target Console" window.
- Well, try to use the menu: "Open Example" and load some program (eg. helloworld.py or hello.lua)
- The last step, press "F5" or menu "Tools" -> "Run" will send the program directly on memory of the target board and will run it.
- Try it and please report problems and suggestions.
(*) just a note, some examples ("hanoi" and "hungman") requiring a special configuration of the "Target Console" window, so don't forget to select the menu: "Tools" -> "Mode Terminal".
Enjoy with the "Go @ IDE" and thank you for testing, improving and leaving your feedback for it.
Note for MicroPython users
Note for eLua users
Target boards that running eLua firmware should be built using some optional modules:
#define BUILD_TERM
Goat for windows will install a directory "usb-driver" here: "C:\Program Files (x86)\The Go @ IDE\usb-driver" which contains:
a) the eLua Windows driver of the USB UART (...\dfu-driver directory).
b) the Windows driver of the DFU Programmer (...\uart-driver directory).