nurelm / prestashop_vagrant

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PrestaShop Quickstart Vagrant


PrestaShop is a popular PHP-based open source e-commerce platform.

Developing PrestaShop (and lots of other things) inside a Vagrant is nice in a lot of situations:

Using nothing but VirtualBox, Vagrant and the 2 humble files in this repository, a nice isolated PrestaShop development environment can be all yours.


First, download and install VirtualBox and Vagrant.

Then open up a terminal window and cd into the directory containing this README and the files Vagrantfile and

cd directory_containing_vagrantfile

Now grab copy of the Vagrant box that we'll use. You'll only have to do this once, and it will grab an image of Ubuntu 14.04 for you to use anytime it pleases you. It will ask you what environment you're using, pick the option for VirtualBox.

vagrant box add bento/ubuntu-14.04

Now fire up the vagrant. The next two words will start up the box you just downloaded and run the commands in within that box, which will grab and setup everything you need to run PrestaShop on that vagrant:

vagrant up

You may want to go have some coffee or maybe take a shower, as this will take a few minutes while it's loading and installing various packages.

When that's all done, got to this page and go through the setup. You'll eventually be asked for the database name, user and password. The database is 'prestashop', user is 'root' and password is 'abc123'.

Once you're done, it'll ask you to remove the install folder. Do do that, SSH into your vagrant and remove that folder:

vagrant ssh
rm -rf /var/www/html/prestashop/install/

Basic Usage

Just fire up the browser of your choice and take a peek at http://localhost:8081/prestashop. If you want to check out the database, we installed phpMyAdmin, too, so just hit http://localhost:8081/phpmyadmin and use the same root/abc123 to log in.

Advanced Usage

To expose your local prestashop to the internet, you can use where signing up is free and gets you access to custom subdomains. So you can run something like ./ngrok -subdomain psMyFirstName 8081 after vagrant up which will tunnel and connect your local server to the internet. This means it will let your teammates reach your server publically at


Back in your host operating system, notice that there is a new directory in the same directory as this README file called "prestashop". This is the very same directory that your new vagrant sees, and any edits made from either within the vagrant or from your host operating system will be seen in both places. This means you can edit using any tools in your host OS that you please!

It's easy to tinker with exactly what gets installed, just edit the file.

Further Documentation


Tweet a shout out @nurelm to your friendly Prestashop partners at NuRelm if this helped you out.