nutofem / nuto

NuTo - yet another finite element library
Boost Software License 1.0
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Separate geometry and dofs/interpolation #263

Open pmueller2 opened 6 years ago

pmueller2 commented 6 years ago

On the last NuTo meeting we decided to introduce a geometry mesh. The idea is to pull it out of the mesh we have so far and in a next step to transform the remnants (a kind of a dof mesh) to a function space like data structure.

We plan on doing this in several steps to always have working intermediate states.

1) Continuing @vhirtham s work on the Coordinate/Dof Node separation we introduced a GeometryMeshFem which is referenced by the dof mesh. The gmsh import and unit meshes now generate geometry meshes. The dof mesh is still fully functional and does not depend on the new GeometryMesh (apart from the reference) 2) Coordinate related functionality is removed from the dof mesh. 3) and probably also 4., 5. and 6.: Removal of the dof mesh and replacement with an DofInterpolation/FunctionSpace/or similar.

to be continued ... (details, challenges, dof selection by coordinates and such)

TTitscher commented 6 years ago

Will there still be coordinate elements? And the layered ElementCollection?

For non-isoparametric elements, the function space for geometry and dof differs, right? Could this be a problem? Maybe in the application of bcs?

pmueller2 commented 6 years ago
pmueller2 commented 6 years ago

We think that at this point coordinates and dofs are separated as good as possible without introducing major changes.