nutofem / nuto

NuTo - yet another finite element library
Boost Software License 1.0
17 stars 5 forks source link
cpp fem finite-elements python

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Build Status codecov Documentation Status

What is it?

A finite element library.

How do I install it?

At your own peril.

First, you need some external dependencies

sudo apt-get install git swig3.0 cmake doxygen python3-dev python3-numpy \
libboost-all-dev libeigen3-dev libopenblas-dev libmetis-dev libmumps-seq-dev \
libarpack2-dev libomp-dev gmsh

Then, you need to check out the source code

git clone

Create a build directory and switch to it

mkdir nuto/build && cd nuto/build

Run cmake

cmake ..

Once this ran without errors, you can issue make (-j4 for parallel building)

make -j4

If you want to use the python module, and run all the tests, you need to add the module path to your environment

export PYTHONPATH=<path/to/nuto/build/python>:$PYTHONPATH

In the end, run the test suite to see if all went well

make test


Name Version Description
CMake ≥ 3.0 Build system
Boost ≥ 1.54 General purpose C++ libraries
Eigen ≥ 3.2 C++ template library for linear algebra
Python ≥ 3.4 Python programming language
NumPy ≥ 1.8 Linear algebra in Python
OpenBLAS ≥ 0.2.8 Optimized BLAS library
METIS ≥ 5.1 Serial graph partitioning and fill-reducing matrix ordering
MUMPS 4.10 Parallel sparse direct solver
OpenMP ≥ 3.7 Management of multiple OpenMP threads
ARPACK ≥ 3.1.5 Solver for large scale eigenvalue problems


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Can I see some code?

Sure, take a look at our documentation.