nuts-foundation / nuts-event-octopus

Nuts service space engine for making sure events are caught and relayed.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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nuts-event-octopus ##################

Event service by the Nuts foundation for listening to events from different parts within a node.

.. image:: :target: :alt: Build Status

.. image:: :target: :alt: Documentation Status

.. image:: :target:

.. image:: :target: :alt: Maintainability

The event listener is written in Go and should be part of nuts-go as an engine.


This projects is using go modules, so version > 1.12 is recommended. 1.10 would be a minimum. ZeroMQ is used for listening to the events from the nuts-consent-bridge. Follow installation from the ZMQ website:

Running tests

Tests can be run by executing

.. code-block:: shell

go test ./...

Generating code

.. code-block:: shell

oapi-codegen -generate server,types -package api docs/_static/nuts-event-store.yaml > api/generated.go

Generating Mock

When making changes to the client interface run the following command to regenerate the mock:

.. code-block:: shell

mockgen -destination=mock/mock_client.go -package=mock -source=pkg/events.go


This project is part of If you do however would like a binary, just use go build.

The server API is generated from the nuts-consent-store open-api spec:

.. code-block:: shell

oapi-codegen -generate server,types -package api docs/_static/nuts-event-store.yaml > api/generated.go

Binary format migrations

The database migrations are packaged with the binary by using the go-bindata package.

.. code-block:: shell

NOT_IN_PROJECT $ go get -u
nuts-consent-store $ cd migrations && go-bindata -pkg migrations .


The readme is auto-generated from a template and uses the documentation to fill in the blanks.

.. code-block:: shell


This script uses rst_include which is installed as part of the dependencies for generating the documentation.


To generate the documentation, you'll need python3, sphinx and a bunch of other stuff. See :ref:nuts-documentation-development-documentation The documentation can be build by running

.. code-block:: shell

/docs $ make html

The resulting html will be available from docs/_build/html/index.html


The following configuration parameters are available:

================== ========================== ========================================================================================================================= Key Default Description ================== ========================== ========================================================================================================================= autoRecover false Republish unfinished events at startup connectionstring file::memory:?cache=shared db connection string for event store incrementalBackoff 8 Incremental backoff per retry queue, queue 0 retries after 1 second, queue 1 after {incrementalBackoff} * {previousDelay} maxRetryCount 5 Max number of retries for events before giving up (only for recoverable errors natsPort 4222 Port for Nats to bind on purgeCompleted false Purge completed events at startup retryInterval 60 Retry delay in seconds for reconnecting ================== ========================== =========================================================================================================================

As with all other properties for nuts-go, they can be set through yaml:

.. sourcecode:: yaml

   eventStartEpoch: 0

as commandline property

.. sourcecode:: shell

./nuts --events.eventStartEpoch 0

Or by using environment variables

.. sourcecode:: shell