Hi, I am using Webstorm and having the following error
Not sure what's the problem is, but it seems that Webstorm are not resolving type def with export {} from "vue-property-decorator"
This is the current type def from this package:
export { Module, getModule, VuexModule, Mutation as VuexMutation, MutationAction, Action as VuexAction, } from "vuex-module-decorators";
export { State, Getter, Action, Mutation, namespace } from "vuex-class";
export { Emit, Inject, InjectReactive, Model, ModelSync, Prop, PropSync, Provide, ProvideReactive, Ref, VModel, Watch, } from "vue-property-decorator";
After I change the type def to the following, the error is gone:
Hi, I am using Webstorm and having the following error Not sure what's the problem is, but it seems that Webstorm are not resolving type def with
export {} from "vue-property-decorator"
This is the current type def from this package:
After I change the type def to the following, the error is gone: