nuxt-community / nuxt-property-decorator

Property decorators for Nuxt (base on vue-property-decorator)
MIT License
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Nuxt Property Decorator

Handy ES / TypeScript decorators for class-style Vue components in Nuxt (based on Vue class component) and Property decorators for Vue (bases on Vue Property Decorator) and Vuex (based on Vuex Class)

This library fully depends on vue-class-component.


MIT License


Installation is very easy

npm i -S nuxt-property-decorator


yarn add nuxt-property-decorator

Nuxt JS Instructions

It works out of the box with Nuxt JS.

Nuxt TS Instructions

It works out of the box with Nuxt TS.

Decorators and helpers

There are following decorators:

Other exports


Vue Router hooks

Nuxt hooks

Vue-class Hooks


import {
} from "nuxt-property-decorator"

const s = Symbol("baz")

  components: { comp },
export class MyComponent extends Vue {
  @Inject() foo!: string
  @Inject("bar") bar!: string
  @Inject(s) baz!: string

  @Model("change") checked!: boolean

  propA!: number

  @Prop({ default: "default value" })
  propB!: string

  @Prop([String, Boolean])
  propC!: string | boolean

  @Prop({ type: null })
  propD!: any

  @Provide() foo = "foo"
  @Provide("bar") baz = "bar"

  onChildChanged(val: string, oldVal: string) {}

  @Watch("person", { immediate: true, deep: true })
  onPersonChanged(val: Person, oldVal: Person) {}

  beforeRouteLeave(to, from, next) {
    // called when the route that renders this component is about to
    // be navigated away from.
    // has access to `this` component instance.

is equivalent to

const s = Symbol("baz")

export const MyComponent = Vue.extend({
  name: "MyComponent",
  components: { comp },
  inject: {
    foo: "foo",
    bar: "bar",
    [s]: s,
  model: {
    prop: "checked",
    event: "change",
  props: {
    checked: Boolean,
    propA: Number,
    propB: {
      type: String,
      default: "default value",
    propC: [String, Boolean],
    propD: { type: null },
  data() {
    return {
      foo: "foo",
      baz: "bar",
  provide() {
    return {
      bar: this.baz,
  methods: {
    onChildChanged(val, oldVal) {},
    onPersonChanged(val, oldVal) {},
  beforeRouteLeave(to, from, next) {
    // called when the route that renders this component is about to
    // be navigated away from.
    // has access to `this` component instance.
  watch: {
    child: {
      handler: "onChildChanged",
      immediate: false,
      deep: false,
    person: {
      handler: "onPersonChanged",
      immediate: true,
      deep: true,

As you can see at propA and propB, the type can be inferred automatically when it's a simple type. For more complex types like enums you do need to specify it specifically. Also this library needs to have emitDecoratorMetadata set to true for this to work.

Useful links

See also: