[CVPR 2022] Pytorch implementation of "Templates for 3D Object Pose Estimation Revisited: Generalization to New objects and Robustness to Occlusions" paper
I see that there is a program for calculating vsd in the project, namely vsd.py and vsd_ Utils.py. But I want to use the BOP toolkit for evaluation. So I would like to ask whether it is correct to set params of eval_bop19_pose.py in BOP toolkit according to vsd params in paper: setting 'vsd_taus': list([20]),'correct_th': [[0.3]],'visib_gt_min': 0.1(line 39,41,58)
Thanks a lot.
Hi, I see that there is a program for calculating vsd in the project, namely vsd.py and vsd_ Utils.py. But I want to use the BOP toolkit for evaluation. So I would like to ask whether it is correct to set params of eval_bop19_pose.py in BOP toolkit according to vsd params in paper: setting 'vsd_taus': list([20]),'correct_th': [[0.3]],'visib_gt_min': 0.1(line 39,41,58) Thanks a lot.