nv-nguyen / template-pose

[CVPR 2022] Pytorch implementation of "Templates for 3D Object Pose Estimation Revisited: Generalization to New objects and Robustness to Occlusions" paper
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Templates for 3D Object Pose Estimation Revisited:
Generalization to New objects and Robustness to Occlusions

Van Nguyen NguyenYinlin HuYang XiaoMathieu SalzmannVincent Lepetit

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If our project is helpful for your research, please consider citing :

    title={Templates for 3D Object Pose Estimation Revisited: Generalization to New objects and Robustness to Occlusions},
    author={Nguyen, Van Nguyen and Hu, Yinlin and Xiao, Yang and Salzmann, Mathieu and Lepetit, Vincent},
    booktitle={Proceedings IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},

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We have introduced additional features and updates to the codebase:

    ├── datasets
        ├── linemod 
            ├── models
            ├── test
        ├── tless
        ├── ruapc 
        ├── ...
        ├── templates   
    ├── pretrained
        ├── moco_v2_800ep_pretrain.pth
    ├── results
        ├── experiment1
            ├── wandb
            ├── checkpoint
        ├── experiment2

This repository is running with the Weight and Bias logger. Ensure that you update this user's configuration before conducting any experiments.

Installation :construction_worker:

Click to expand ### 1. Create conda environment ``` conda env create -f environment.yml conda activate template # require only for evaluation: pytorch3d 0.7.0 git clone https://github.com/facebookresearch/pytorch3d.git python -m pip install -e . ``` ### 2. Datasets First, create template poses from icosahedron: ``` blenderproc run src/poses/create_poses.py ``` Next, download and process BOP datasets ``` ./src/scripts/download_and_process_datasets.sh ``` There are two options for the final step (rendering synthetic templates from CAD models): #### Option 1: Download pre-rendered synthetic templates: ``` python -m src.scripts.download_prerendered_templates ``` Optional: This pre-rendered template set can be manually downloaded from [here](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1p9eJ8dTxR3rVinvaFxPw5N_3IGSlS2_E?usp=sharing) (12GB). #### Option 2: Rendering synthetic templates from scratch (this will take around 1 hour with Nvidia V100) ``` ./src/scripts/render_pyrender_all.sh ```
Click to expand It is important to verify that all the datasets are correctly downloaded and processed. For example, by counting the number of images of each folder: ``` for dir in $ROOT_DIR/datasets/* do echo ${dir} find ${dir} -name "*.png" | wc -l done ``` If everything is fine, here are the number of images that you should get: ```bash ├── $ROOT_DIR/datasets ├── hb # 55080 ├── hope # 1968 ├── icbin # 19016 ├── icmi # 31512 ├── lm # 49822 ├── olm # 4856 ├── ruapc # 143486 ├── tless # 309600 ├── tudl # 153152 ├── templates (12GB) # 84102 ```

Launch a training :rocket:

Click to expand ### 0. (Optional) We use pretrained weight from MoCo v2. You can download it from [here](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DwlMVdj7rPh3TZ2QfKDU4t4460gofm7i/view?usp=share_link) or run: ``` python -m src.scripts.download_moco_weights ``` If you don't want to use pretrained weights, you can remove the path in [this line](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1p9eJ8dTxR3rVinvaFxPw5N_3IGSlS2_E?usp=sharing). ### 1. Training on all BOP datasets except LINEMOD and T-LESS (only objects 19-30) ``` python train.py name_exp=train_all ``` The parsing is done with Hydra library. You can override anything in the configuration by passing arguments. For example: ``` # experiment 1: change batch_size, using data augmentation, update name_exp python train.py machine.batch_size=2 use_augmentation=True name_exp=train_augmentation # experiment 2: change batch_size, using data augmentation, update name_exp, update_lr python train.py machine.batch_size=2 use_augmentation=True model.lr=0.001 name_exp=train_augmentation_lr0.001 ``` Please check out this [training loggers](https://api.wandb.ai/links/nv-nguyen/8hkk35s4) to see how the training loss looks like.

Reproduce quantitative results

Please note that all testing objects are unseen during training!

Click to expand ### 0. You can download it from [this link](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/11SQYPrG3pX31Qszf8R13s7Aaa5MO57lb?usp=sharing) or run: ``` python -m src.scripts.download_checkpoint ``` TODO: This is not the final checkpoint. We will update it soon. ### 1. LINEMOD's objects ``` python test_lm.py name_exp=test_lm model.checkpoint_path=$CHECKPOINT_PATH ``` ### 2. TLESS's objects ``` python test_tless.py name_exp=test_tless model.checkpoint_path=$CHECKPOINT_PATH ``` Please check out this [testing loggers](https://wandb.ai/nv-nguyen/template-pose-released/reports/Visualizations-of-template-pose--Vmlldzo0MzY0NDI2?accessToken=hyet783s3ujnbtvmqda71q2nv8haira63f5n23c3fhorb1oe949qmehucplaxfd8) to see how the retrieved results looks like.


The code is adapted from Nope, Temos, Unicorn, PoseContrast, CosyPose and BOP Toolkit.

The authors thank Martin Sundermeyer, Paul Wohlhart and Shreyas Hampali for their fast reply, feedback!


If you have any question, feel free to create an issue or contact the first author at van-nguyen.nguyen@enpc.fr