nvcleemp / conjecturing

Adding conjecturing to Sage
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See the directory spkg for instructions on how to build and install a Sage package containing the expressions program. Once you have built and installed such a Sage package, you can use the Python files in the directory sage to interact with the package.

Open the directory sage in a terminal window and start Sage. Usually this is done using the following command:

$ sage

Once Sage has started, you can load the file conjecturing.py:

sage: attach('conjecturing.py')

You can also choose to load any of the other files, but this is not necessary.

An example run might look like this:

sage: attach('conjecturing.py')
sage: attach('numbertheory.py')
sage: objects = [5, 10]
sage: conjecture(objects, invariants, 1)

Note that loading the file numbertheory.py sets the variable invariants to a list of invariants used in number theory.