nvim-telescope / telescope-z.nvim

Z integration for Telescope
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telescope-z is an extension for telescope.nvim that provides its users with operating rupa/z or its compatibles.


for lazy.nvim

  config = function()
    require("telescope").load_extension "z"

for paq-nvim

paq "nvim-telescope/telescope-z.nvim"

require("telescope").load_extension "z"


:Telescope z

Or Lua way

require("telescope").extensions.z.z {}

List directories by z -l. In default, it does actions below when you input keys.

key action
<CR> (edit) builtin.find_files
<C-x> (split) :chdir to the dir
<C-v> (vsplit) :lchdir to the dir
<C-t> (tabedit) :tchdir to the dir



Set command list to execute z -l or compatibles. In default, it does bash -c 'z -l' or so.

Default value: { vim.o.shell, "-c", "z -l" }


Transform the result paths into relative ones with this value as the base dir.

Default value: vim.uv.cwd()

tail_path (deprecated)

This is deprecated. Use path_display (:h telescope.defaults.path_display).

Show only basename of the path.

Default value: false

shorten_path (deprecated)

This is deprecated. Use path_display (:h telescope.defaults.path_display).

Call pathshorten() for each path.

Default value: false