nvllsvm / linode-dynamic-dns

Dynamically set the IP of Linode DNS records
MIT License
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PyPI - Version

Update Linode DNS records with your local IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.

Environment Variables

Name Description
IPV4_ADDRESS IPv4 address to use in the A record
IPV4_DISABLE Disable IPv4 updates.
IPV4_URL The URL which returns your local IPv4 address (default https://ipv4.icanhazip.com/)
IPV6_ADDRESS IPv6 address to use in the A record
IPV6_DISABLE Disable IPv6 updates.
IPV6_URL The URL which returns your local IPv6 address (default https://ipv6.icanhazip.com/)
LINODE_ACCESS_TOKEN Your Linode API access token.
LINODE_DNS_DOMAIN The domain the host is a part of.
LINODE_DNS_HOSTNAME The host record to update. set to empty string for the base domain, * for wildcard subdomains (default is empty)
LINODE_DNS_TTL Record TTL in seconds (default 300)


Systemd Service

Example files for a systemd service and timer are in the systemd directory.

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable linode-dynamic-dns.timer
systemctl start linode-dynamic-dns.timer
systemctl start linode-dynamic-dns.service