nwartell / framework

Quick-deploy PHP framework with separate application and API components
MIT License
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api api-rest framework mvc mysql php


A simple MVC scaffold for PHP and REST API for MySQL/MariaDB. Using this as a learning experience.


[!NOTE] There is support for a 3-component system on one server: Application, API, and a public-facing website. However, the public-facing website is not part of this codebase.


Setup and Initialization

  1. Extract downloaded zip archive into your webserver's root directory
  2. Create .env file in root directory and configure variables
  3. Configure constants in app/inc/global.php and api/inc/global.php

MySQL Integration

  1. Framework: Ensure your application DB credentials are mapped to APP_DB_HOST, APP_DB_NAME, APP_DB_USER, and APP_DB_PASS
  2. API: Ensure your API DB credentials are mapped to API_DB_HOST, API_DB_NAME, API_DB_USER, and API_DB_PASS
  3. Follow setup guide for application and API database tables (This guide is WIP)
  4. Create stored prodecure listed below
    • Function uuid_unbin() : CREATE FUNCTION uuid_unbin(uuid BINARY(16)) RETURNS VARCHAR(36) RETURN LOWER(CONCAT(SUBSTR(HEX(uuid), 1, 8), '-',SUBSTR(HEX(uuid), 9, 4), '-',SUBSTR(HEX(uuid), 13, 4), '-',SUBSTR(HEX(uuid), 17, 4), '-',SUBSTR(HEX(uuid), 21)));

[!TIP] If using MySQL 8.0 or higher, it is advisable to replace UNHEX(REPLACE(UUID(),'-','') and its parameterized version, UNHEX(REPLACE(?,'-','')) with UUID_TO_BIN(UUID()) and UUID_TO_BIN(?), repsectively. When selecting UUIDs, you can then use BIN_TO_UUID() instead of the uuid_unbin() stored function.


The API is completely separable from the framework (i.e., they do not have to live on the same server). The default configuration works (and looks) best with the api directory is configured as a subdomain.

Separating the API from PHP Framework

  1. Place api and public_html/api directories into another domain folder.
  2. Move files from public_html/api to public_html and delete the now-empty api directory.
  3. Copy .htaccess, compsoer.json, composer.lock and your environment variable config (.env) to the new root directory.
  4. Ensure HOST constant is accurate in inc/global.php