nx78 / shackclient

Client for The Shack MekWars/MegaMek server
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This is the Shack's client. It bundles two pieces of software, MekWars and MegaMek in one package alongside many original files, e.g. graphics, unit files and more.

MegaMek is a version of BattleTech that you can play with your friends over the internet.

MekWars is a platform for matchmaking and providing deeper aspects for MegaMek, like having/managing a hangar and matchmaking.

They are both written in Java.

Annotations about MegaMek:

All of the level 1 (3025) equipment and nearly all of the level 1 rules are functioning. In addition, many of the level 2 rules and equipment are finished, and even a few level 3 rules are available in the options.

If you would like information about how to play the game, see the "PLAYING THE GAME" section, below.


If your system did not come with a Java VM, or you need to update your Java VM, here are some links.

Sun Java (Linux, Solaris, Windows): http://java.sun.com/j2se/downloads.html

Mac OSX 10.1 and above: Java updates are included in OS updates for 10.1 and above. There is no external way to update your Java VM.

Earlier Mac OS versions: http://developer.apple.com/java/download.html

GCJ/Gnu classpath (Linux): Of interest to experienced developers, there may be some compatibility problems. http://gcc.gnu.org/java/

Microsoft VM (Windows): Microsoft no longer makes their VM available for seperate download. This version of MegaMek uses features not supported by the Microsoft JVM.

IBM VM: MegaMek seems to react badly to this VM - it is not recommended.


Pre-game Lobby:

Here you can chat, specify what mechs you wish to use, select map settings, declare starting positions, and change your player's color. When everybody has at least one mech, you may all hit "ready" to start the game. Most changes to the game parameters will cancel your ready status, so you should wait for everybody to finish choosing their mechs and positions. Note: If you wish to use custom mech designs, please see the section below entitled "CUSTOM UNITS".

You can enter the map selector by pressing the "Edit/View" button under the map sizes. You can change the dimensions of the map boards (in hexes) or the dimensions of the whole map (in boards.) All maps are loaded off the server. All the map boards that MegaMek comes with are 16x17. Whenever you change either of these values, you will need to hit the "Update Size Settings" button to have the rest of the dialog reflect the new values.

Below the map size inputs is a not-to-scale representation of how the boards are laid out relative to each other. The middle column lists the current maps and the rightmost column lists the available maps. To change a current map, select it in the middle column, select the map you want in the right column, and press the "<<" button between the two columns. You may also select a map by clicking on its number in the map layout grid. When you select a map, (other than [SURPRISE] or [RANDOM]) you have the choice or rotating it 180 degrees (North becomes South, East becomes West, and vice versa) by clicking on the "Rotate Board" checkbox; the fact that the map is rotated will be shown in the middle column.

[SURPRISE] means that the Server will pick a random map and not tell you what it has picked until the game starts. [RANDOM] means that the Server will pick a map as soon as you hit "Okay".

[GENERATED] means that the server will create random terrain for you to play on. You need to use the "generated map settings" button to select what kind of terrain you want. There is a set of settings with drop down list of choices. For most settings, you can pick "none", "low", "medium" or "high". Except for cities, where you pick a type of city instead. Theme - leave blank for the default theme, or enter a theme supported by your tileset. grass, lunar, mars, snow are supported by the standard tileset Elevation - how hilly you want the map Cliffs - chance of 2+ level elevation changes, if you have enough elevation already Woods - higher settings have more and larger tree patchs and more heavy woods Roughs - higher settings have more and larger rough patches Lakes - works the same as woods, but deep water instead of heavy woods Swamps/Pavement/Ice/Rubble/Fortified all work like roughs. Fortified hexes are described in the MaxTech rulebook. River - chance to have a river running across the map Road - chance to have a single road running across the map Craters - chance for craters, also the size and number. Good for a "moonscape" map City: HUB - roads wander out from the centre with plenty of twists and turns. A common pattern for older european cities. GRID - vertical and horizontal roads divide the city into rectangular blocks. A pattern common in newer cities, especially in north america and asia. METRO - a grid with roads forming a diagonal X from the centre as well.

Water and swamp will affect the city plan, as the builders will have to make bridges to cross it or just give up and stop the road at the edge. Mountain tops (4+ height) are expensive to build on, so they will only build in the valleys. Other terrain will just be bulldozed in the name of progress, though you may find a few hexes left between buildings.

There is also a "advanced" button, which lets you fine-tune the map to your liking. See the "advanced map settings" section near the end of this file

Initiative Report:

Each player's initiative rolls and the corresponding turn order will be shown here.

Movement Phase:

The buttons at the bottom of the screen let you change between different modes of movement, switch to another unit, or commit to your current path. You do not have to move the first selected unit first.

Left-click on the map to specify a hex to move to. A path should appear on the board, showing your unit's path to the target hex. The numbers in the center represent how many movement points you will have to use to reach each hex. Cyan indicates walking, yellow running, and red jump movement. Dark grey sections of the path indicate where you have exceeded your movement capacity, or other illegal moves. You can drag the mouse to see movement options for several different hexes. Please note that you can change the colors used to display the movement points by editing clientsettings.xml; you may specify a color in RGB notation (e.g. 255 255 255 for white) or with any of the following text values: black, blue, cyan, darkgray, gray, green, lightgray, magenta, orange, pink, red, white, or yellow.

Units can also be moved by using "waypoints." By clicking each hex between the unit's current location and destination, you can delineate the exact path to be taken.

Holding the Shift key while clicking on the map allows you to change the unit's facing without moving. Since you automatically change facing while moving, this is best done at the end of any movement.

To move backwards, click the "Back Up" button before clicking a hex in the arc behind the unit. To jump, click the "Jump" button before the destination hex. Facing changes during jumps are free.

Prone units can change facing without getting up at the normal cost. To get up, click the "Get Up" button, then the desired destination hex and/or facing.
Facing changes performed immediately after getting up are free. To get up and back up, click "Get Up," then "Back Up," then the destination hex and/or facing. You cannot get up and jump in the same turn.

Charging and death from above attacks are also declared during the movement phase. Click the "Charge" or "D.F.A." button and then click on the mech you wish to target. If the attack is valid, it will be sent to the server immediately (but resolve during the physical attack phase.) If the program is not using the path you want for your attack, you may plot a path near the target using the appropriate type of movement and then use the charge or dfa button to complete the attack.

If a vehicle or Mek that has sufficient empty space starts a turn in the same hex as a friendly infantry unit, it can Load the unit as its first move of the turn. A vehicle or Mek that is already carrying an infantry unit can unload the unit as its last movement of the turn.

If an Anti-Mek infantry platoon or Battle Armor squad has succeeded in mounting a Mek with a Swarm attack, the Mek can attempt to dislodge the squad during the movement phase in one of three ways: 1) jumping (requires a Pilot Skill Roll, with a +4 modifier), 2) walking into (and perhaps through) a Level 2 or deeper water hex, or 3) ending its turn in a hex that is on fire (this will not work against Battle Armor squads). Swarming infantry automatically die if they are dislodged into a Level 1 or deeper water hex. Infantry dislodged in the Movement Phase can not move or fire for the rest of the turn. Swarming units can not move off of their target Mek until they use the Stop Swarm action in the Weapons Fire Phase.

VTOLs and VTOL BA use the "go up" and "go down" buttons to change elevation (flight level).

Movement around structures (buildings/bridges) is a little more complicated, because of the different floors a unit can occupy. The "climb mode" button sets your current preference. "Go thru" means you prefer to go under bridges or through the walls of buildings, if there is a choice. "Climb up" means you prefer to climb on top of structures when possible. You can change mode multiple times during your movement, for example a stormcrow prime could use "climb up" to go over a heavy building to save MP, then change to "go thru" to pass a light building that won't support its weight.

Infantry can move up and down inside buildings using the stairs. This is accomplished by using the "go up" and "go down" buttons. Also, infantry that jump into a building can use the "go up" and "go down" buttons to choose which floor to jump through the window of. Click the building hex you want to jump into first, and the game will pick the highest floor you can reach (or the roof). Then use the "go down" button to select a lower floor if you want to.

The Esc key clears all current movement.

Movement Report:

If any units needed piloting skill rolls during their movement, a report showing the results of these rolls will be shown.

Weapons Fire Phase:

If you need to check the range and line of sight (LoS) between two hexes, there are two tools available for you to use; the LoS tool and the ruler tool. To use the LoS tool, hold CTRL and click on the two hexes you want to check. The ruler tool works like the LoS tool, but uses the ALT key instead of the CTRL key. The ruler tool can also be used by middle-clicking the two hexes with a three-button mouse. Both tools will pop up a window that tells you what terrain is intervening and whether one or both hexes has partial cover. The ruler tool also draws the line of sight on the board so that you can see which hexes LoS passes through.

You can switch between 'Mech line of sight and non-'Mech line of sight in the "LoS Setting" panel, located under the "View" menu at the top of the screen. 'Mech line of sight and non-'Mech line of sight differ in that 'Mechs are assumed to be "looking" from one elevation level above that of the hex they are in, whereas infantry and vehicles only take up the elevation level of their hex.

The buttons at the bottom of the screen allow you to fire your weapons, switch to another unit, or commit to your currently declared fire. Again, you do not need to declare fire for your first selected unit first.

To target another unit, click on it on the board. Targetting information for your current weapon should appear in the mech display window. To fire your current weapon at the target, press the "Fire" button at the bottom of the screen. To switch to another weapon, click on its name at the top of the mech display window. Spread your fire among multiple targets by repeating these steps using unassigned weapons. When all desired weapons have been assigned to a target, press the "Done" button at the bottom of the screen.

Note that fire is resolved in the order that it is declared, so if you feel that it is a good idea to fire weapons in a different order than they are listed, go ahead.

Secondary facing changes (torso twists) are accomplished by holding Shift and clicking on the board. Your unit will attempt to change its secondary facing in the direction specified. If you assign a weapon to a target and then attempt a facing change, the weapons fire will be cancelled.

You can not switch to another unit after declaring some weapons fire. To switch to another unit, first cancel all current fire by hitting the Esc key.
When you hit the fire button for your last available weapon, all declared fire will be committed.

An Anti-Mek trained infantry platoon or Battle Armor squad that is in the same hex as a Mek can conduct a Leg Attack or a Swarm Mek attack. The base to-hit number varies with the number of men in the unit. A Swarm Mek attack against a Mek that is prone and/or immoble gains a -4 modifier to its to-hit roll. A successful Leg Attack may cause critical damage to one of the Meks legs; if no critical is rolled, the leg will take 4 points of damage (which may damage the leg's internal structure, and cause another critical roll). A successfull Swarm Mek attack does no damage in the turn it hits, but it means that the unit has attached itself to the Mek, and can begin to cause significant damage on subsequent turns. Starting the turn after the unit starts a Swarming a Mek, all attacks by that unit automatically hit, use a location chart that is more dangerous than normaly, and automatically roll for a Thru-Armor Critical. A unit that is Swarming a Mek can also choose to Stop Swarming in any weapons phase. The Leg Attack, Swarm Mek, and Stop Swarm actions are all "solo" actions: the unit can take no other action in the Weapons Fire Phase. Attempts to do so will cancel the "solo" action. Swarming infantry can not be targeted by any attacks other than a "Brush Off" attack (see Physical Attacks Phase).

Weapons Fire Report:

If there were any weapon attacks, the server will resolve them all at the end of the phase in the order they were declared. The results will be shown in a report.

Physical Attacks Phase:

To declare a physical attack, select your target on the board and click the button corresponding to the attack you want to make. If a physical attack type is unavailable (or isn't programmed yet) the button will be greyed out.

Units ineligible to make physical attacks due to being out of range, having made weapons attacks, or for any other reason, will be skipped. If all units are ineligible, the entire phase will be skipped.

Prone Meks that are in the same hex as a vehicle can punch the vehicle, if they have both arms. Prone Meks that are in a Clear or Pavement hex as an infantry platoon or Battle Armor squad can "thrash" at the unit if they have at least one arm or leg. Be warned, that "thrashing" causes a Pilot Skill Roll that, if failed, causes the Mek to suffer damage as if it has fallen 1 level.

Meks that are not prone that have been Swarmed by an infantry platoon or Battle Armor squad can attempt to "Brush Off" the squad with either or both arms. Any "Brush Off" attack that fails to hit the infantry will inflict punch damage on the Mek. Any successful "Brush Off" attack ends a Swarm Mek attack.

End of Turn Report:

If there were any physical attacks, the results will be shown.
The results of the Heat and End phases will be shown.

After this phase, it's time for initiative again! Hurrah!


All units (mechs, vehicles, infantry, etc.) are located in the data/mechfiles directory. They may be individual files or zipped up into archives (".zip"), and you may also create subdirectories if you like. There is also a special directory, named "unsupported" that contains units that you would like MegaMek to ignore. Mechs can be loaded from any of several formats:

MegaMek Native - files with the extension ".mtf" A simple format that is very whitespace sensitive. All of the meks distributed with MegaMek are in this format, so just look inside the zips for examples of the format. Also created by the HMPRead program.

Heavy Metal - files with the extensions ".hmp" and ".hmv" This is a commercial mech design program officially sanctioned by FanPro. MegaMek can read most ".hmp or ".hmv" files directly, but there are still some known problems. Please note that neither Heavy Metal Pro nor Heavy Metal Vee is associated with MegaMek, so please do not email its authors about MegaMek.

The Drawing Board - files with the extension ".xml" The Drawing Board is a very slick freeware editor written by Blackstone Interactive (Cord Awtry). In order to use it with MegaMek, you must install the program and then use the patch to update to version 2.0.23. Once you have created your mech, use the "File"->"Save as XML file" command to create the ".xml" file.

MekMaker - files with the extension ".blk" Mech files with the extension ".blk" are created by MekMaker, a Java mech design program specifically created to work with MegaMek. MekMaker was the offical mech design program, but it has since been abandoned and is therefore not up to date with the current ruleset. It's homepage is at: http://mekmaker.sourceforge.net/

Mech Engineer Pro - files with the extension ".mep" This is an older freeware program not made by the makers of MegaMek. You can find this program on many Battletech web sites. It is not up to date with the current ruleset.

Note on mixed tech units: Units that contain both Inner Sphere and Clan technology are allowed with certain restrictions. Only ".mtf", ".xml", and ".blk" files may contain mixed tech units. In addition, some equipment cannot differ in technology type from the base chassis. Units with an Inner Sphere chassis must mount Inner Sphere engines, internal structure, armor, and CASE. Clan units have the same restricted equipment list.


Tip: use the basic settings, press OK, then go into map settings again, select advanced, and the boxes are filled in with the values from the basic settings

Board Size - set the size of the map sheet generated. When using generated maps, it is better to generate one large play area than to try and combine multiple mapsheets. Theme - leave blank, or enter a theme supported by the tileset. grass, lunar, mars, snow are themes supported by the standard tileset. Elevation settings: Amount of elevation: changes the "roughness" of the map, a low number will have less elevation changes than a high number Elevation range: height difference between the lowest and highest hex on the map. Level 0 is set to the most common height. Probability of inverting: % chance to make a sinkhole instead of a mountain. Algorithm: 0 generates rolling hills, 1 generates spiky terrain, 2 combines both generators. 0 is likely to have less LOS blocking terrain. Cliffs: % chance to change a steep slope into a cliff. For example, if a group of level 1 hexes have level 0 and level 2 hexes adjacent, they will all be moved to level 0, giving a cliff for mechs to hide behind. The effect is quite subtle unless you have quite a high elevation range to begin with. Patch terrain settings (woods, roughs, swamps, lakes, pavements, rubble, fortified, ice): Each of these work the same way, but place a different type of terrain. Number of XXX: the number of patches which would be present on a 16x17 map. scales up if you have a bigger map. XXX size in hexes: the size of each patch of terrain probability for heavy woods/deep water: % chance to place instead of light. River/road settings: Probability is a % chance to have one on the map. If a road crosses water, you'll get a bridge. Crater settings: Probability for craters: % chance that craters are present Number of craters: as for number of woods, the number that would be present on a 16x17 map, scaled up for larger maps. Crater radius: size range for each crater. Special effects settings: Each probability is a % chance. FX modifier changes the amount of effect each one has. Values should be small, e.g -3 to +3 fires: woods hexes will be set on fire or already burned down to rough at the start of the game. + modifier increases number of burned down hexes, - modifier increases number of unscathed woods. frozen water: water hexes are ice-covered. +modifier decreases the water depth, so for example with a modifier of 1, shallow water hexes are frozen solid and deep water hexes are converted to ice covered shallow water. flooded map: hexes with negative elevations are converted to water hexes, while level 0 hexes are converted to swamps. Ideal for hovercraft and naval units. modifier changes the "sea level" drought: water hexes are dried up, to shallower water, swamp or rough. Modifier changes the severity of the drought. special effects can be combined - e.g. flood + drought = rocky shore, flood + frozen + high modifier = glacier City Settings: City type is the same as for the basic settings. City Blocks (0-) [16 default]: higher numbers mean more roads on the map. Scales with map size. CF min/max (1-150) [10-100 default]: CF range for generated buildings. The CF determines the building type from the table in BMR. Floors min/max (1-50) [1-6 default]: height range for generated buildings Density (1-100) [75 default]: % chance of a building in each hex where a building is possible. Also chance to try and build multi-hex buildings.


Although MegaMek tries to be faithful to the original board game rules, in some cases, due to technical or design limitations, this is not possible. These differences are not considered "bugs." If you spot any more discrepancies, please contact the author (see "CONTACT" below.)


For more information, visit the websites at http://shack.battletek.org http://mekwars.sourceforge.net: http://megamek.sourceforge.net/

For more information about the BattleTech board game, visit it's website at: http://www.classicbattletech.com/

To contact the author with bug reports, suggestions, or anything else, visit the contact page on the MegaMek website, or send email to bmazur@sev.org


This client consists solely of free software (GPL v2).

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

BattleTech, Mech, BattleMech and MechWarrior are Registered Trademarks of WizKids, LLC. Original BattleTech material Copyright by WizKids, LLC.
All Rights Reserved. Used without permission.