nyanmisaka / ffmpeg-rockchip

FFmpeg with async and zero-copy Rockchip MPP & RGA support
624 stars 89 forks source link
arm arm64 decoder encoder ffmpeg filter librga linux mpp multimedia rga rk3588 rk3588s rk35xx rkmpp rkrga rockchip transcode video video-processing


This project aims to provide full hardware transcoding pipeline in FFmpeg CLI for Rockchip platforms that support MPP (Media Process Platform) and RGA (2D Raster Graphic Acceleration). This includes hardware decoders, encoders and filters. A typical target platform is RK3588/3588s based devices.


How to use

The documentation is available on the Wiki page of this project.

Codecs and filters


 V..... av1_rkmpp            Rockchip MPP (Media Process Platform) AV1 decoder (codec av1)
 V..... h263_rkmpp           Rockchip MPP (Media Process Platform) H263 decoder (codec h263)
 V..... h264_rkmpp           Rockchip MPP (Media Process Platform) H264 decoder (codec h264)
 V..... hevc_rkmpp           Rockchip MPP (Media Process Platform) HEVC decoder (codec hevc)
 V..... mpeg1_rkmpp          Rockchip MPP (Media Process Platform) MPEG1VIDEO decoder (codec mpeg1video)
 V..... mpeg2_rkmpp          Rockchip MPP (Media Process Platform) MPEG2VIDEO decoder (codec mpeg2video)
 V..... mpeg4_rkmpp          Rockchip MPP (Media Process Platform) MPEG4 decoder (codec mpeg4)
 V..... vp8_rkmpp            Rockchip MPP (Media Process Platform) VP8 decoder (codec vp8)
 V..... vp9_rkmpp            Rockchip MPP (Media Process Platform) VP9 decoder (codec vp9)


 V..... h264_rkmpp           Rockchip MPP (Media Process Platform) H264 encoder (codec h264)
 V..... hevc_rkmpp           Rockchip MPP (Media Process Platform) HEVC encoder (codec hevc)
 V..... mjpeg_rkmpp          Rockchip MPP (Media Process Platform) MJPEG encoder (codec mjpeg)


 ... overlay_rkrga     VV->V      Rockchip RGA (2D Raster Graphic Acceleration) video compositor
 ... scale_rkrga       V->V       Rockchip RGA (2D Raster Graphic Acceleration) video resizer and format converter
 ... vpp_rkrga         V->V       Rockchip RGA (2D Raster Graphic Acceleration) video post-process (scale/crop/transpose)


DMA_HEAP allocator


RGA filters


MPP codecs


Optional, for compatibility with older kernels and socs

/dev/iep /dev/mpp-service /dev/vpu_service /dev/vpu-service /dev/hevc_service /dev/hevc-service /dev/rkvdec /dev/rkvenc /dev/vepu /dev/h265e

## Todo
* Support MPP MJPEG/JPEG decoder
* Support MPP VP8 video encoder
* ...

## Acknowledgments

@[hbiyik](https://github.com/hbiyik) @[HermanChen](https://github.com/HermanChen) @[rigaya](https://github.com/rigaya)



FFmpeg is a collection of libraries and tools to process multimedia content
such as audio, video, subtitles and related metadata.

## Libraries

* `libavcodec` provides implementation of a wider range of codecs.
* `libavformat` implements streaming protocols, container formats and basic I/O access.
* `libavutil` includes hashers, decompressors and miscellaneous utility functions.
* `libavfilter` provides means to alter decoded audio and video through a directed graph of connected filters.
* `libavdevice` provides an abstraction to access capture and playback devices.
* `libswresample` implements audio mixing and resampling routines.
* `libswscale` implements color conversion and scaling routines.

## Tools

* [ffmpeg](https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.html) is a command line toolbox to
  manipulate, convert and stream multimedia content.
* [ffplay](https://ffmpeg.org/ffplay.html) is a minimalistic multimedia player.
* [ffprobe](https://ffmpeg.org/ffprobe.html) is a simple analysis tool to inspect
  multimedia content.
* Additional small tools such as `aviocat`, `ismindex` and `qt-faststart`.

## Documentation

The offline documentation is available in the **doc/** directory.

The online documentation is available in the main [website](https://ffmpeg.org)
and in the [wiki](https://trac.ffmpeg.org).

### Examples

Coding examples are available in the **doc/examples** directory.

## License

FFmpeg codebase is mainly LGPL-licensed with optional components licensed under
GPL. Please refer to the LICENSE file for detailed information.

## Contributing

Patches should be submitted to the ffmpeg-devel mailing list using
`git format-patch` or `git send-email`. Github pull requests should be
avoided because they are not part of our review process and will be ignored.