nybrandnewschool / tk-aftereffects-queue

An After Effects render queue for ShotGrid Toolkit.
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# AEQueue (tk-aftereffects-queue) **An After Effects render queue for ShotGrid Toolkit.** [![GitHub tag (latest by date)](https://img.shields.io/github/v/tag/nybrandnewschool/tk-aftereffects-queue?label=Version)](https://github.com/nybrandnewschool/tk-aftereffects-queue/releases) *Developed at [Brand New School](https://brandnewschool.com).*


Error Reporting

When an error occurs during rendering, users can view a report, and when configured, they can send a report directly to the people who need to know!


To install AEQueue make the changes in the example_config directory to your own toolkit config. This includes the following:

  1. Modify env/app_locations.yml to include tk-aftereffects-queue.
  2. Add env/includes/settings/tk-aftereffects-queue.yml to configure AEQueue. (See info.yml for details on configuration values.)
  3. Modify env/includes/settings/tk-aftereffects.yml to include AEQueue in your asset_step and shot_step sections for the tk-aftereffects engine.

Enable Sending Reports

  1. You can enable sending reports by customizing the send_report_hook. Implement your own or configure the builtin TicketSendReportHook. See hooks/ticket_send_report_hook.py for more details.