nylen / d3-process-map

Web application to illustrate the relationships between objects in a process using d3.js.
MIT License
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d3 process map

This is a PHP web application that displays a directed acyclic graph in a modern web browser using d3.js. It is designed for illustrating the relationships between objects in a process.


Data manipulation and reporting process:

Default dataset

Co-occurrences of Les Miserables characters:

Les Mis dataset


Data format

The application can display one or more datasets located in the data/ folder. Each dataset gets its own folder. There are two datasets bundled with the application (one for each of the examples above). Switch between datasets by appending ?dataset=folder-name to the URL. If no dataset name is given, the dataset in the default folder will be displayed.

Each dataset should contain the following files:


An array of data objects to be displayed as graph nodes, each with the following properties:


A JSON object which contains the following fields:


Each object can have a Markdown file associated with it for additional documentation. The syntax is standard Markdown with one addition: object names can be enclosed in {{brackets}} to insert a link to that object.

If an object's name contains a slash (/), replace it with an underscore (_) in the documentation filename.

Other details

The code uses a d3.js force layout to compute object positions, with collision detection to prevent nodes from overlapping each other.

Nodes are colored by the ColorBrewer Set3 scheme, with colors assigned by the combination of the object's type and group.

To ensure that the arrows on the ends of the links remain visible, the links only extend to the outer edge of the target object's node.

Browser support

Works in recent versions of Chrome and Firefox. Other browsers have not been tested, but Internet Explorer doesn't stand a chance until at least version 9.