nyoom-engineering / nyoom.nvim

A Neovim framework and doom emacs alternative for the stubborn martian hacker. Powered by fennel and the oxocarbon theme
MIT License
1.34k stars 81 forks source link
dotfiles lua neovim-colorscheme neovim-conf neovim-configuration neovim-dotfiles neovim-lua neovim-setup rice ricing rust vim vimrc
# Nyoom.nvim
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These are your father's parentheses.
Elegant weapons for a more... civilized age.


Nyoom.nvim was an answer to abstracted and complex codebases that take away end-user extensibility, try to be a one-size-fits-all config, and needlessly lazy load everything. It solves this problem by providing a set of well integrated modules similar to doom-emacs. Modules contain curated plugins and configurations that work together to provide a unified look and feel across all of Nyoom. The end goal of nyoom.nvim is to be used as a framework config for users to extend and add upon, leading to a more unique editing experience.

Nyoom can be anything you'd like. Enable all the modules for the vscode-alternative in you, remove some and turn it into the prose editor of your dreams, or disable everything and have a nice set of macros to start your configuration from scratch!

At its core, Nyoom consists of a set of intuitive macros, a nice standard library, a set of modules, and some opinionated default options, and nothing more.

Designed against the mantras of doom-emacs doom-emacs:

It also aligns with many of Doom's features:

For more info, checkout our (under construction) FAQ


Nyoom works best with a modern terminal with Truecolor support. Optionally, you can install Neovide if you'd like a gui.

Nyoom is comprised of optional modules, some of which may have additional dependencies. Run :checkhealth to check for what you may have missed.


git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/nyoom-engineering/nyoom.nvim.git ~/.config/nvim 
cd ~/.config/nvim/
bin/nyoom install 
bin/nyoom sync

Then read getting started to be walked through installing, configuring and maintaining Nyoom Nvim.

It's a good idea to add ~/.config/nvim/bin to your PATH! Other bin/nyoom commands you should know about:

Getting help

Neovim is no journey of a mere thousand miles. You will run into problems and mysterious errors. When you do, here are some places you can look for help:

If you have an issue with a plugin in Nyoom.nvim, first you should report it here. Please don't bother package maintainers with issues that are caused by my configs, and vice versa.


(under construction)


PRs Welcome

Checkout the Contributor Guide
