nyph-infosec / daggerboard

MIT License
95 stars 19 forks source link
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SBOM Vulnerability Scanner Tool

License: Unlicense [Version: 1.0.0]() Build Status REUSE status

DaggerBoard is a vulnerability scanning tool that ingests Software Bill of Material (SBOM) files (CycloneDX,SPDX) and outputs results in a human-readable format. This tool evaluates software dependencies outlined within the SBOM file for package vulnerabilities. Similar to how the DaggerBoard keeps a ship afloat, the Daggerboard application assists with keeping your organization afloat by analyzing and maintaining risk levels.

System Dependencies


Tech Stack

DaggerBoard uses a number of open-source projects. Listed below are the main packages. For a complete listing of libraries please see the requirements.txt:

Getting started

Two installation methods are provided: Docker and an installer script. The two installation options can be downloaded on the project releases page. For manual installation steps, see the section Manual Install.

Option 1 - Installer Script
  1. Make the .bin executable

    chmod +x DaggerBoard_Installer.bin
  2. Run the binary to install the application

    sudo ./DaggerBoard_Installer.bin
  3. Reboot the server

    sudo reboot
Option 2 - Docker
  1. Load the package into Docker
sudo gunzip daggerboard_docker_image.tgz
sudo docker load --input daggerboard_docker_image.tar
  1. Run the container
    sudo docker run -p443:443 -d -v dagger-vol:/var/lib/mysql daggerboard:version1

Manual Install Steps

To install DaggerBoard on an OS that is not supported, you must ensure that you have the necessary OS dependencies prior to running steps outlined in the installer script.

Install the OS equivalent of the following on your system:


Proxy Configuration

Use the .env file to set the proxy configuration.

1. Edit the file /var/www/Daggerboard/daggerboardproject/.env
2. Add proxy server to the PROXY= variable

Ex: PROXY=https://proxy.example.com:8080

3. Add the NVD API Key value to NVD_API_KEY= variable (variable will be included in the upcoming newer version)
Ex: NVD_API_KEY=xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx

Environment Configurations

The .env file located in /var/www/Daggerboard/daggerboardproject/.env Please use this file to configure your environment.

Environment Variable Default Description
PROXY Optional. No default If internet is provided via proxy, please enter address here.
NVD_API_KEY Required (will be included with the upcoming newer version) NVD API Key is required to update/populate the local dataset object with new CVE data. Please see [https://nvd.nist.gov/developers/request-an-api-key]()
LOGPATH | /var/www/Daggerboard/logs/ Location path of log file.
DBHOST | localhost Hostname of database.
DBPASSWORD | daggerboard Database password.
REDISPWD | daggerboard_redis Redis password.
REDISHOST |localhost Redis hostname.
LDAP_BIND_PROTECTION Required. Defaulted Random 32-character key generated by default.
SBOMPROCESS_LOGPATH |/var/www/sbomscripts/sbom Log path of SBOM uploads.

Initial Authentication

The superuser is automatically configured for your environment:

Username: admin
Password: daggerboard

Please change the password in the DaggerBoard Admin panel.

Supported SPDX Formats

Daggerboard supports the following SPDX formats:

JSON SPDX files are not supported, but this is currently under analysis. Samples of the various SPDX formats can be found here (under "Producing/Consuming SPDX Documents"): https://spdx.dev/resources/use/.

An example of generating tag/value SPDX with Syft:\ syft %repo_name or directory% -o spdx_tag_value >> new_tagvalue_sbom.spdx

For troubleshooting errors please see the wiki.

SBOM Upload Process

Daggerboard Diagram

CRON background processes: - Retrieve CVE data from the NVD Website feed on Recent & Modified feeds daily and store in local data object. [https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/data-feeds]() - Retrieve CVE data from the NVD website feed on all CVE data listed since 2002 monthly and store in local data object.

User provided data:

  1. User Uploads SPDX or CycloneDX SBOM.
  2. The SBOM is parsed and correlation is performed against the local data object for CPE.
    • If a match is found:
      • Get the CVSS score.
      • Scrape ExploitDB based on the CVE for any exploits that exist. [https://www.exploit-db.com/]
      • Daggerboard database is populated.
      • User is prompted on successful upload.
    • If not matched:
      • A detailed search is performed on NVD website to match the CPE to the version.
      • If the detailed search finds a match:
        • Scrape ExploitDB based on the CVE for any exploits that exist. [https://www.exploit-db.com/]
        • Daggerboard database is populated.
        • User is prompted on successful upload.
      • If the detailed search does not find a match:
        • A “Not Found” comment is generated.
        • Populate the Daggerboard database.
        • User is prompted on successful upload.

Grading Policy

Each severity level (critical, high, medium, low) comes from the CVE assigned to a vulnerability which is sourced from NVD. This information from NVD is collected in a database and assigned to the respective packages from the SBOM based on CPE. Each of the severities are counted and totaled which can be based on either a vendor or individual SBOM level.

As part of our scoring system, we use multipliers which are weights that are assigned to each severity. These weights are set by default but can be configured in the admin settings.

The count of Critical is multiplied by 40 The count of High is multiplied by 10 The count of Medium is multiplied by 3 The count of Low is multiplied by 1

The weighted sum is equal to the sum of the severities multiplied for a particular SBOM or vendor.

Final Grade = (weighted sum) / 54 (40 + 10 + 3 + 1)

Letter grade thresholds are also set by default and can be configured in the admin settings:

Final Grade <= 1: A Final Grade >= 2 and < 4: B Final Grade >= 4 and < 6: C Final Grade >= 6 and < 8: D Final Grade > 8: F

Authentication Using LDAP

Daggerboard supports the option to implement LDAP by adding your LDAP configuration within the daggerboard admin panel. Under authentication and authorization you will need to provide the following values that are related to your LDAP environment:

SERVER URI           Server URI should begin with ldap:// or ldaps://
BIND DN                  Location of the authorized account in the LDAP directory tree
BIND PASSWORD            The password to be used with the BIND DN
USER SEARCH          Object that will locate a user in the directory.
GROUP SEARCH             Object that finds all LDAP groups that users might belong to.
AUTH LDAP GROUP TYPE     Instance describing the type of group returned by GROUP SEARCH.
AUTH LDAP REQUIRE GROUP  The distinguished name of a group; authentication will fail for any user that does not belong to this group.

How to Contribute

All contributions are welcome! Please take a moment to review the DaggerBoard Contribution Guide.

Future Work



This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.

Release Notes