nytimes / Fech

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a few erroneous slugs in sources/F3.csv #53

Closed jsfenfen closed 9 years ago

jsfenfen commented 11 years ago

The F3 CSV source appears to have erroneous slugs in lines 73-75. This is fairly insidious--note that two of these keys ( col_a_refunds_to_party_committees and col_a_refunds_to_other_committees ) are duplicates (originally appearing on lines 67 and 68 of the same file).

73: col_a_refunds_to_party_committees,59,24. Total Receipts this Period,66,24. Total Receipts this Period,...
74: col_a_refunds_to_other_committees,60,25. Subtotals,67,25. Subtotals,58,25. SubTotal,58,25. SubTotal
75: col_a_total_receipts_period,61,26. Total Disbursements this Period,68,26. Total Disbursements this Period,59,26....

I'm doing a standardization of variable slugs (in part to address the transaction_id / transaction_id_number disagreement) and can include suggested fixes for this in a pull request in a few days if that helps…

dwillis commented 11 years ago

That would be excellent, thank you.

dwillis commented 11 years ago

Another one: transaction_id in Schedule A is transaction_id_number in Schedule B.