nytimes / Fech

Deprecated. Please see https://github.com/dwillis/Fech for a maintained fork.
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Fech makes it easy to parse electronic campaign finance filings[http://www.fec.gov/finance/disclosure/efile_search.shtml] by candidates, parties and political action committees from the Federal Election Commission. It lets you access filing attributes the same way regardless of filing version, and works as a framework for cleaning and filing data. Fech is an open source project of The New York Times, but contributions from anyone interested in working with F.E.C. filings are greatly appreciated.

Latest version: 1.8. For details see the CHANGELOG.

Fech works best under Ruby version 2.x, and has been tested under Ruby versions 1.8.7, 1.9.2, 1.9.3, 2.1.2, 2.2.2 and Rubinius.

== Documentation

Can be found at Fech's Github page[http://nytimes.github.com/Fech/].

== News

== Installation

Install Fech as a gem:

gem install fech

For use in a Rails 3 application, put the following in your Gemfile:

gem 'fech'

then issue the 'bundle install' command. Fech has been tested under Ruby versions 1.8.7, 1.9.2, 1.9.3, 2.1.2, 2.2.2 and Rubinius.

== How to contribute

To develop locally, you'll need to clone this repository and then run the following commands to update the sources directory:

$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update

Fech's goal is to provide support for all electronically filed forms and their row types, so contributors can pick an form type that is currently unsupported and try to implement it, or to improve an existing implementation. For entirely new form types, please include specs showing successful parsing of the summary. A good way to start is to look at the mappings for a similar form type. Please note that Fech currently commits to supporting the F.E.C.'s filing formats back to version 3.0, where applicable.

Bug reports and feature requests are welcomed by submitting an Issue. Please be advised that development is focused on parsing filings, which may contain errors or be improperly filed, and not on providing wrappers or helper methods for working with filings in another context.

To get started, fork the repo, make your additions or changes and send a pull request.

== Pronunciation guide

It's "fetch", with a soft "ch" sound. There are no other acceptable pronunciations.

== Authors

Michael Strickland, michael.strickland@nytimes.com

Evan Carmi, evan@ecarmi.org

Aaron Bycoffe, bycoffe@huffingtonpost.com

Derek Willis, dwillis@nytimes.com

Daniel Pritchett, daniel@sharingatwork.com

Sai, sai@makeyourlaws.org

Jack Gillum, jgillum@ap.org

== Copyright

Copyright (c) 2013 The New York Times Company. See LICENSE for details.