nytimes / Fech

Deprecated. Please see https://github.com/dwillis/Fech for a maintained fork.
115 stars 30 forks source link

Check ruby platform for debugger dependencies #72

Closed saizai closed 9 years ago

saizai commented 9 years ago


Run under rubinius 2.5.2:

$ rake fech:test:spec

Top 10 slowest examples:
  Fech::Comparison compare should return a hash of columns and values that have changed for two filings
    5.9 seconds ./spec/comparison_spec.rb:14
  Fech::Comparison compare should return an array of schedule items that have changed
    4.49 seconds ./spec/comparison_spec.rb:19
  Fech::MapGenerator.convert_header_file_to_row_files should not raise error
    0.87009 seconds ./spec/map_generator_spec.rb:41
  Fech::Filing#rows_like should return only rows matching the specified regex
    0.50275 seconds ./spec/filing_spec.rb:112
  Fech::Comparison compare should return an empty array of schedule items when none have changed
    0.38279 seconds ./spec/comparison_spec.rb:24
  Fech::DefaultTranslations.names should split an aggregate name into its component parts
    0.37312 seconds ./spec/default_translations_spec.rb:38
  Fech::Filing#summary should return the mapped summary row
    0.14522 seconds ./spec/filing_spec.rb:64
  Fech::Translator.combine should correctly compute derived fields
    0.11893 seconds ./spec/translator_spec.rb:72
  Fech::Translator.combine should allow indexing by aliased field names
    0.10866 seconds ./spec/translator_spec.rb:89
  Fech::DefaultTranslations.names should combine name components into aggregate name fields
    0.07169 seconds ./spec/default_translations_spec.rb:28

Finished in 14.15 seconds
80 examples, 0 failures