nyu / air-quality

NYU Shanghai air quality monitoring network source code
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NYU Air Quality Project

This is the source code for the website of the NYU Shanghai air quality monitoring network.

Currently live at airquality.engineering.nyu.edu.


This is how to run the code locally for development.



Install the needed packages by running the following commands.

$ cd server; yarn

$ cd ../worker; yarn

$ cd ..


Open three terminal sessions, one in the root folder, one in server/, and one in worker/.

In the root folder run docker-compose up --build db.

In server/ simply run yarn dev.

In worker/ run yarn start. Note that after making changes you'll have to re-run this command.

Now visit localhost:3000 in your browser to check out the website. If you want to look at the MongoDB database it's available on port 27017.


This is how to run this on a production server.



Just run this command in the project's directory. To restart you can run the same command again!

$ docker-compose up -d --build