nzoam93 / AirbNZ

Website Clone of AirBnB
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AirbNZ is a full-stack application built with Ruby On Rails in the backend, utilizing a PostgreSQL database, and using a React/Redux frontend. To explore the application, go to

Key features:

  1. Utilizes React Hooks and Redux to create a centralized state and ensure that the appropriate variables persist throughout the application, resulting in DRYer code
  2. Utilizes Ruby On Rails controllers routes, and Active Record (the Ruby on Rails ORM) to handle API requests to the backend
  3. Application is responsive to different screen sizes
  4. Incorporates the Google Maps API to showcase airbNZ homes on the map
  5. Utilizes AWS S3 in order to store the images for each house listing
  6. Has the capability for a user to create an account, log in, make reservations, see their reservations on a personalized map