nzp-team / nzportable

Call of Duty: Zombies demake, powered by various Quake sourceports.
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[FTE] Lunge Out of the Map #733

Closed NZKorn closed 1 month ago

NZKorn commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug Simple. Knife a zombie falling on you and hope that you lunge, which will shoot you into the air, breaking you out of the map. All you have to do to get back in is walk in.

To Reproduce

  1. Go to any of the zombie spawns and wait for a zombie to spawn.
  2. Knife the zombie as it is falling and pray that you lunge at it.
  3. Hold W as you are lunging.
  4. You're outside of the map.

Expected behavior I expected to knife the zombie and kill it.


Affected Platforms

Bug occurred on Windows.

I don't know if this works on any other platform.

NZKorn commented 1 month ago

I forgot to mention, the map is Blood 4.

Reznar705 commented 1 month ago


blubs commented 1 month ago

Intended functionality for WaW parity /s

MotoLegacy commented 1 month ago