nzp-team / nzportable

Call of Duty: Zombies demake, powered by various Quake sourceports.
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[CO-OP/SERVER] Names of players switch when restarting the round #764

Open AppzyCat opened 3 weeks ago

AppzyCat commented 3 weeks ago

Describe the bug I was playing with two other people. When I restarted the map using 'restart' in the console (don't know if it happens when the map restarts automatically when all players die), their names would swap. If I restarted again, the names would swap back and so on. Host's name always stayed consistent. They joined using the console as well (though I don't think that matters). I've only tested with 2 others, so I don't know if it happens with more than that.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Get people to join you
  2. Once everybody is in, type 'restart' into console
  3. Stealing somebodies identity is a crime.

Expected behavior Each player keeps their name, instead of having an identity crisis.

Affected Platforms This happened on PC x64 version, I haven't tested anything else.

Peter0x44 commented 3 days ago

I noticed the color of the player's name in chat stayed consistent.