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[3DS] Transparent func_illusionary entity has a grey background #767

Open acronmd opened 3 weeks ago

acronmd commented 3 weeks ago

Describe the bug On the 3DS, a func_illusionary entity with a transparent texture will render with a semi-transparent grey background on the 3DS and not any other platforms I have tested.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. In Trenchbroom create a func_illusionary entity
  2. Give it a transparent texture (for parity, I've been using this texture)
  3. Compile and view on the 3DS
  4. See error

Expected behavior Full transparency shown here on FTE and here on the VITA



Screenshots/Footage Grey background seen on the 3DS, and one further away from the wall to remove any effects of lighting 3dsview

Affected Platforms

State which platform(s) you've seen the bug occur.

Please also make note of any platforms you DID NOT test on.

Bug occurred on New 3DS, bug did not occur on FTE (Windows), VITA 1k, and PSP via PPSSPP I did not test on any real PSP hardware, the Vita 2k, the Nintendo Switch, the Old 3DS, and any non-Windows version of FTE