nzp-team / nzportable

Call of Duty: Zombies demake, powered by various Quake sourceports.
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[3DS] My waypoints work on pc but not on N3ds #793

Closed Cybrock9000 closed 3 days ago

Cybrock9000 commented 1 week ago

Describe the bug the zombies try to go to 0,0 instead of folowing there waypoints on 3ds, but on pc it works fine

To Reproduce 1.if you dont have a N3ds download citra my map the zombies walk into walls

Expected behavior The zombies to walk on there path on the N3ds

Screenshots/Footage IMG_9852 IMG_9853 pc video:

Affected Platforms i only tested it on pc (windows) and the N3ds XL

DerpedCrusader commented 6 days ago

Are you putting the waypoints into nzp/maps on the 3ds?

Cybrock9000 commented 6 days ago


Cybrock9000 commented 6 days ago

oh, wait. do you mean data/maps because when i looked on there on the pc ver there was a titanic.way file there EDIT: nvm there is no data folder on the 3ds

Cybrock9000 commented 5 days ago

im completly redoing the waypoint system because the map got so big that i had to move the center to 0,0 or it would crash.

Cybrock9000 commented 3 days ago

im ending this