nzp-team / nzportable

Call of Duty: Zombies demake, powered by various Quake sourceports.
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[SUGGESTION] Made you guys a AUR package with Linux suggestion #802

Open coreybruce opened 5 days ago

coreybruce commented 5 days ago

Hey guys I just wanted to let you guys know I made you AUR package for you guys as I love this project and wanted to help out :smile:

I have been downloading the linux binaries and re uploading them to my nzp repo to easily version them and created a launch/setup script that is part of the package for a seamless user experience that will update the .config/NZP folder with the updated files from /user/share/games/NZP when the package is updated with it's active development and updates as quick as I can.

Also I have a suggestion to have the Linux binary create and use a nzp folder in .config for the game files including the nzp data folder so there is a defined user folder location for the game files to go and for adding maps etc even if the game is part of a system package

Thanks for this amazing project and keep up the good work!

MotoLegacy commented 5 days ago

thanks for this! super cool to see. I can investigate how we can navigate/approach loading assets from .config/, its tricky though since by nature of distribution the game assets being alongside the executable is pretty bog standard.

nitpick: any chance this can be renamed to nzportable-bin? :)

coreybruce commented 5 days ago

Awesome :)

Yeah no problem if you think it should be named nzportable-bin instead I can make a new package and merge it with the new package with the current one with the correct name :) :+1:

Done :smile:

Peter0x44 commented 4 days ago

Another nit (I really, really doubt anyone cares):

source_i386=("$scriptver/nzp-packaging-$scriptver.tar.bz2" "$pkgver/-/raw/main/")
source_i686=("$scriptver/nzp-packaging-$scriptver.tar.bz2" "$pkgver/-/raw/main/")

Our "linux32" binaries are specifically i686. (disassembling them shows cmov and sse instructions). There is no mention of "i386" supported here, so I'm not sure what distro that would be for anyway. There's absolutely no way such a CPU could run nzp anyway.

I think it's better you remove any mention to i386 since it is not serving a real purpose.

coreybruce commented 4 days ago

Yeah no problem I can remove it, I doubt anyone would care if it was removed either lol

Peter0x44 commented 4 days ago

I also noticed SDL2 isn't a runtime dependency. It should be.

coreybruce commented 4 days ago

Yeah I wasn't sure what the dependencies where haha but I'll add SDL2

MotoLegacy commented 4 days ago

everything else is statically linked, SDL2 is the only real dependency :) thank you for taking the time to address these!

coreybruce commented 4 days ago

Ahh ok I see and no problem at all and I will try to update this as quick as I can when it comes to updates :smile: :+1:

Peter0x44 commented 4 days ago

Why are "yad" and "rsync" dependencies?

coreybruce commented 4 days ago

I use yad for the graphical setup/launch script so the user can see whats going on before launch and I use rsync to compare and update the files between the /usr/share/games/NZP /home/$USER/.config/NZP if there is changes in the package folder :)

Peter0x44 commented 4 days ago

I would have expected the package to place them in /usr/share, then you just rebuild the package when you want a newer version.

coreybruce commented 1 day ago

Oh what do you mean exactly sorry? the package files goes in /usr/share/games/NZP then the launch script will update the files in the .config folder and allow users to add custom maps to the user folder if they want to, I am trying to find the best balance between updating the files the best/easiest way while not being restrictive on the user who may want to mod or add custom maps to the game so the launch/setup script does need some improvements :)

By the way does the game create a new and different file for user settings etc?

I also updated the script, feel free to take a look if you want :smiley: