nzp-team / nzportable

Call of Duty: Zombies demake, powered by various Quake sourceports.
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[SUGGESTION]Custom perks with machines #806

Closed Cybrock9000 closed 3 days ago

Cybrock9000 commented 3 days ago

*Describe your suggestion A template of a perk machine and the perk itself.

*Expected behavior You code the behavior in a code like python or whatever you code with and it will act like any other perk machine with your design and your custom perk.

Peter0x44 commented 3 days ago

You would likely have to edit this file if you wanted a custom perk:

I'm not clear on what exactly you are asking for.

Cybrock9000 commented 3 days ago

i think thats the file im looking for, thanks

Cybrock9000 commented 3 days ago

where do i put it in nazi-zombies-portable-windows-x86_64, or is it not the right version

Cybrock9000 commented 3 days ago

wait i get it. nvm what i said