a reversi game program written in rust.
CC0. in other words, Public domain.
NO Warranty.
Command options
- --play
play a game agaist you. turn is random.
- --playb
play a game agaist you. your turn is black(SENTE).
- --playw
play a game agaist you. your turn is white(GOTE).
- --Edax
play against Edax instead of you. please use with --play(bw).
- --duel N
play games from some situations with evaltable1 and 2. N is optional. default 5.
- --gtp
go text protocol mode.
- --ev1 \
a file for board evaluation.
- --ev2 \
a file for board evaluation.
- --genkifu
set generating kifu mode.
- -Nx
initial board group x for generating kifu. 0~9. all of the initial board positions will be used when this option is not specified.
- --thinkab
use alpha-beta pruning. default.
- --thinkall
search every node. (no pruning)
- --learn
[deprecated] set lerning mode.
- --repeat \
[deprecated] number of learning. default 10000.
- --eta \
[deprecated] learning ratio. default 0.0001.
- --rfen \
think from rfen for debug. don't forget putting "" to an RFEN not to be recognized as 2 part.
- --help
show help.
command option |
generating kifu |
learning |
none |
yes |
no |
[deprecated] --learn |
no |
yes |
--genkifu |
yes |
no |
--genkifu --learn |
yes |
yes |
Compile options(features)
- nosimd
stop using simd instructions(SSE) for evaluation.
SSE floating-point SIMD instructions will be used when no features are specified.
- nnv1
evaluate with neural network version 1.
- nnv2
evaluate with neural network version 2.
- nnv3
evaluate with neural network version 3.
- nnv4
evaluate with neural network version 4.
- (reserved)nnv5
- avx
use AVX floating-point SIMD instructions.
- bitboard (default)
use bitboard instead of byteboard.