o19s / puppet-solr

Puppet module for installing solr with a stand alone jetty server
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Puppet module for installing solr with a stand alone jetty server. The server will default to port 8983 and store it's data in /var/lib/solr. Configuration files can be found at /etc/solr.

This install has been tested on:

Using this manifest

To download a copy of solr into /opt/solr and start a dedicated jetty server for solr.

  1. Check out this repository in your modules directory
  2. Add the following to your base manifest (Note that picking the appropriate JDK is left to you):
package { 'default-jdk': 
           ensure => 'installed',
           before => Class['Solr']

include solr
  1. To see your server running visit http://localhost:8983/solr/#
  2. For a slightly more full featured example manifest see example.pp

You can also install a tomcat server to host solr. If so you don't need to include, just add the module to your modules path and include this in your manifest. This example sets up a tomcat server and provides a zookeeper host to connect in order to run solrCloud.

package { 'default-jdk': }

class { "solr::tomcat6":
  zookeeper_hosts => "ec2-72-44-55-216.compute-1.amazonaws.com:2181/cld2", 

For more tomcat configuration options see the tomcat6.pp file in manifests.

Working with Solr Cloud

Either solr::jetty or solr:tomcat6 can be used to host solrCloud.

package { 'default-jdk' }

class {'solr::jetty':
  zookeeper_hosts        => ["example.com:2181", "anotherserver.org:2181/alternate_root"]