o2r-project / o2r-transportar

Superseeded by https://github.com/o2r-project/o2r-transporter
Apache License 2.0
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o2r-transportar - DEPRECATED, use o2r-transporter

Travis CI

Node.js implementation to package complete compendia for downloading, i.e. the o2r web api routes /api/v1/compendium/:id.zip and /api/v1/compendium/:id.tar.gz.



The configuration can be done via environment variables.

Run locally

npm install
npm start

Open the application at http://localhost:8086/api/v1/compendium/1234/test

To show logs in the console, replace the last command with DEBUG=* npm start. There you can also see if requests are handled while not having any real data yet.

To add some content to your local database, use o2r-muncher.

Inspect your local MongoDB with adminMongo.

Debug locally

npm run-script debug

The start statement in this script sets the DEBUG variable for the debug library to * (show all logs). Direct the log into a file using DEBUG=* npm start > log.txt.


# start a MongoDB
# start a muncher
# start a loader

npm test

# you can also run the tests towards a manually specified host and enable prototypical containers for muncher and loader
HELPER_CONTAINERS=y TEST_HOST=http://localhost npm test


The file Dockerfile describes the Docker image published at Docker Hub.


o2r transportar is licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0, see file LICENSE.

Copyright (C) 2016 - o2r project.