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Proposed SIG-Network meeting agenda for MAY-16-2023 #104

Open lmbr-pip opened 1 year ago

lmbr-pip commented 1 year ago

Meeting Details

The SIG-Network Meetings repo contains the history past calls, including a link to the agenda, recording, notes, and resources.

SIG Updates

What happened since the last meeting?

  1. Multiplayer Sample has a GameLift Gem a. Includes a packaging script for building and uploading server to GameLift
  2. ImGui console now opens with ~ (no more HOME key)
  3. Multiplayer Sample system shutdown is cleaned up and no longer errors

Meeting Agenda

Discuss agenda from proposed topics

Outcomes from Discussion topics

Discuss outcomes from agenda

Action Items

  1. Roadmap item for delivering Multiplayer Sample might be done but needs to be followed up to make sure all the tasks (checkboxes) are actual complete.
  2. Deliver Multiplayer Samples' server/GameLift packaging script to O3DE proper

Open Discussion Items

  1. @drakeredwind01 offering to post a fork of Multiplayer Sample containing an pre-built executable of the GameLauncher and ServerLauncher "for himself". This is due to the fact that O3DFoundation is prohibited from publishing executables.
drakeredwind01 commented 1 year ago


AMZN-Gene commented 1 year ago
