oO0oO0oO0o0o00 / Convarter

An android app that allows you to edit Minecraft (MCPE) gamemaps with javascripts, create customized flat levels and other features.
19 stars 1 forks source link
android mcpe


An android app that allows you to edit Minecraft (MCPE) gamemaps with javascripts, create customized flat levels and other features.

Now supports gamemap editing using BlockLauncher-style javascripts.

With this app you can generate huge and complex things in Minecraft that are hard or impossible to be build manually or using in-game scripts.

Glass & stair coexist:


Swim in glowstone:


Generate a 3D maze:
<img src="https://github.com/oO0oO0oO0o0o00/mcpe-3d-maze-generater/raw/master/scr0.jpg?raw=true" alt="screenshot" width="800"/>


Features that may be added

Build & Install

Library projects used