Red-DiscordBot cogs for Dungeon Church.
Focused on RPG, D&D, & game related cogs - ideas or pull requests welcome.
To add these cogs to your instance, run this command first ([p]
is your bot prefix):
[p]repo add dungeonchurch
Then install your cog(s) of choice:
[p]cog install dungeonchurch <cog_name>
Finally, load your cog(s):
[p]load <cog_name>
For cogs that have LLM integration, set the OpenAPI key in Red:
[p]set api openai api_key,<paste here>
A simple roller that transforms into a customizable NPC when you add an OpenAI API key.
make an appeal to the gods/augur
to change settings
Automation and moderation for our private server.
Forked from PCXCogs. I added better formatting and commands useful for RPG players, including contested rolls.
roll complicated dice formulas/qr [mod] [@challenge]
quick roll 1d20/adv [mod]
quick roll 2d20dl/dis [mod]
quick roll 2d20dh/randstats
roll ability scores within a set range/flipcoin
flip a coin, get heads or tails/eightball
ask the Magic 8 Ball/diceset
to change settings
Make a list of status activities, then cycle through them randomly or sequentially at a set interval.
to change settings