oakestra / documentation

The front page and documentation for the Oakestra Project.
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Oakestra Site

This is the main repository which will also build the landing page. The website is hosted at oakestra.io.

The Oakestra site is written in Markdown and published via goHugo and the Docsy theme.

Files Structure

├── content/    ---> This is where the website files are
│   ├── _index.html   ---> website landing page
│   ├── about/  ---> about category
│   └── docs/  ---> documentation subfolder
├── static/  ---> folder where all the static files are
└── the remaining files are framework realted, avoid touching them :)



In order to visualize the documentation website you need to set up your local Hugo environment. Check out Step 1 of Getting started with goHugo

Publish the docs and update the website

Push the source code to this repo. The website will build automatically.

Run development server website

If you want to visualize the website locally to preview your changes, you can use the command hugo serve.

After building and deploying the site, hugo provides instructions on accessing and using it:

Web Server is available at http://localhost:1313/ (bind address

Access the http://localhost:1313/ URL in the browser to view the site.