oar-team / cigri

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Cigri image

CiGri is a lightweight grid middle-ware designed to run on top of a set of OAR (http://oar.imag.fr) clusters to manage efficiently large sets of multi-parametric tasks (also called bag-of-tasks).

With a powerful events handling, it manages automatic re-submission that is useful for best-effort jobs. With OAR and CIGRI, it is easy to reach 100% of usage efficiency on an heterogeneous grid in a local HPC center.

CiGri v3 is written in Ruby by CIMENT, the MESCAL team (from the LIG laboratory) and INRIA. It is released as a free software under the GPL.

Cigri load example

Main features


Quick example

Sample JDL file (Json):

  "name": "povray_demo",
  "resources": "core=1",
  "exec_file": "\$HOME/povray/start.bash",
  "exec_directory": "\$HOME/povray",
  "param_file": "/home/deamon/povray_params.txt",
  "test_mode": "true",
  "type": "best-effort",
  "prologue": [
    "set -e",
    "source /applis/ciment/v2/env.bash",
    "module load irods",
    "cd \\$HOME",
    "imkdir -p povray_results/\\$CIGRI_CAMPAIGN_ID",
    "iget -r -f povray"
  "clusters": {
    "gofree": {
      "walltime": "00:10:00",
      "max_jobs": 50
    "fontaine": {
      "walltime": "00:10:00"
    "froggy": {
      "project": "test",
      "walltime": "00:5:00"
    "fostino": {
      "walltime": "00:10:00"


gridsub -f file.jdl

Get status:

# Global status of the grid
> gridstat

Campaign id Name                User             Submission time     S  Progress
----------- ------------------- ---------------- ------------------- -- --------
20960       ABCD_H_VX-new       xbahuibo         2022-02-08 14-03-22 Re 0/6 (0%)
21039       abc_gipsyx_2018     boulabzi         2022-03-20 10-35-13 R  146295/377271 (38%)

# Status of a campaign
> gridstat -c 20960

Campaign: 20960
  Name: ABCD_H_VX-new
  User: xbahuibo
  Date: 2022-02-08 14-03-22
  State: in_treatment (events)
  Progress: 0/6 (0%)
    jobs_throughput: ~ jobs/h
    remaining_time: ~ hours
    failures_rate: 97.9 %
    resubmit_rate: 97.8 %
      active_jobs: 0
      queued_jobs: 4
      prologue_ok: true
      epilogue_ok: true


> gridevents -c 20960

34029355: (open) EXIT_ERROR of job 48872373 at 2022-02-17T08:56:35+01:00 on luke
The job exited with exit status 35072;
Last 5 lines of stderr_file:
/home/xbahuibo/ABCD_H_VX/texture3D.sh: line 188: 32283 Killed                  ${EXE_PATH}/$EMPP_PROG $ARGS make hysteresis
34029356: (open) BLACKLIST at 2022-02-17T08:56:35+01:00 on luke because of 34029355
34029363: (open) EXIT_ERROR of job 48879236 at 2022-02-17T10:04:23+01:00 on luke
The job exited with exit status 35072;
Last 5 lines of stderr_file:
/home/xbahuibo/ABCD_H_VX/texture3D.sh: line 188: 32984 Killed                  ${EXE_PATH}/$EMPP_PROG $ARGS make hysteresis
34029364: (open) BLACKLIST at 2022-02-17T10:04:23+01:00 on luke because of 34029363

Clusters status


Dev corner

Global picture:

Global picture

Database scheme:


