oar-team / oar-docker-compose

Docker-compose for OAR
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Oar Docker Compose

How to use

oar-docker-compose for oar developers

The folder dev contains a setup for oar developers.

Debian version

The docker images are based on debian stable: bullseye. To change the debian version edit the Dockerfile. For instance, change FROM debian:bullseye as base for FROM debian:bookworm as base.


The file dev/.env_oar_provisioning.sh contains configuration parameters that will be forwarded to dev/common/provisioning.sh (in charge of installing oar).

The variable SRC points to your oar sources. And needs to be available from the root of the dev folder (i.e dev/oar3) so it can be mounted in the dockers.


The installation of OAR is not done when the docker images are built (using docker build or docker-compose build) but when the dockers are first launched. The installation is done by the script dev/common/provisioning.sh, and is executed when the images are started as a systemd service. To follow its activity, you can use the command systemctl status oardocker-provision.service, when the script exits (with success) OAR should be installed and ready.

Live reload

To lighten the number of actions to do to test new code, a live reload service can be installed. It waits for changes in $SRC (provided in dev/.env_oar_provisioning.sh) and redeploy oar3 python from sources.

Live reload can be activated with LIVE_RELOAD=true in dev/.env_oar_provisioning.sh. It take some time to redeploy oar, so the changes might not be visible directly.

It is possible to follow the activity of the reload service you can use journalctl -u live-reload.service.

However, keep in mind that some services such as almighty needs to be restarted for the changes to take effects.

Start fastapi

The new version of OAR's RestAPI is developed with Fastapi, and its deployment is not automatised yet.

First, add the port 8001 (its an example, and is configured in the command below). To add the port, edit docker-compose.yml at the section frontend such as:

    hostname: frontend
    privileged: true
      - 8000:8000
      - 8001:8001 # <---- HERE
      - 6668:6668

Then, to start the API, use the following command after running docker-compose up.

docker exec --user oar --env OARCONFFILE=/etc/oar/oar.conf dev_frontend_1 uvicorn oar.api.app:app --port 8001 --host

The API should now be accessible in your browser at the address localhost:8001 (try http://localhost:8001/docs).


You can access the OAR's two webapp tools for visualizing the resources utilization via the host: