oasisprotocol / explorer

Official explorer for the Oasis Network.
Apache License 2.0
8 stars 9 forks source link
blockchain crypto explorer oasis official paratime rose web

Oasis Explorer

CI build status CI test status CI lint status Release status Renovate enabled

Official explorer for the Oasis Network.

The official deployment of Oasis Explorer lives at https://explorer.oasis.io.

Development deploy is available at https://explorer.dev.oasis.io.


*blockchain: ParaTime layer/s or Consensus

Getting started

Installing and running Oasis Explorer

You can quickly get started with the following commands:

yarn start

Then go to http://localhost:1234 to access the app.

Code style

This repository uses prettier as a code formatter and eslint for JavaScript/TypeScript linting.

It also lints git commits with gitlint and Markdown files with markdownlint.

You can use the following commands to run various linters:

# Lint JavaScript/TypeScript files across the whole repository.
yarn lint
# Fix JavaScript/TypeScript linting issues that were found.
yarn lint:fix

# Lint git commits.
yarn lint-git

# Lint Markdown files.
yarn lint-docs

Git Commit Messages

A quick summary:

A detailed post on Git commit messages: How To Write a Git Commit Message.

Oasis Nexus API

Deployed version is at https://nexus.oasis.io/v1/ with OpenAPI HTML and YAML specs.

Bleeding-edge API version OpenAPI spec for the [bleeding-edge version][nexus-bleeding-edge-spec]. To quickly run latest emerald nexus locally without running a node, [replace following lines][replace-lines-to-run-latest-emerald] with: ```yaml analysis: analyzers: - name: emerald_main_damask chain_id: oasis-3 rpc: grpc.oasis.io:443 chaincontext: b11b369e0da5bb230b220127f5e7b242d385ef8c6f54906243f30af63c815535 # Use the latest round from oasisscan (easier than gRPC) # https://www.oasisscan.com/paratimes/000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000e2eaa99fc008f87f/roundList to: from: ``` and run ```sh make docker make start-docker-e2e # TODO: this needs to be updated with REACT_APP_TESTNET_API too REACT_APP_API=http://localhost:8008/v1/ yarn start ```