oauth-xx / oauth-ruby

OAuth for Ruby
MIT License
668 stars 265 forks source link

getting 401 while authenticating. #307

Open archana-codezen opened 1 month ago

archana-codezen commented 1 month ago

I am using the following code : require 'oauth' require 'net/http' require 'uri' require 'json' require 'securerandom' require 'openssl'

class SchemeDataImporter attr_reader :script_id, :deploy_id, :realm, :consumer, :token

def initialize(script_id, deploy_id, realm, consumer_key, consumer_secret, token, token_secret) @script_id = script_id @deploy_id = deploy_id @realm = realm @token_secret = token_secret @callback_url = "https://#{realm}.xyz.netsuite.com/app/site/hosting/xyz.nz?script=#{script_id}&deploy=#{deploy_id}" @consumer = OAuth::Consumer.new(consumer_key, consumer_secret, { site: "https://#{realm}.xyz.netsuite.com", signature_method: 'HMAC-SHA256', oauth_version: '1.0' })

@token = OAuth::AccessToken.new(@consumer)


def import_data url = "/app/site/hosting/xyz.nz?script=#{script_id}&deploy=#{deploy_id}"

# Generate OAuth header
auth_header = generate_auth_header(url)
response = @token.request(:get, "/app/site/hosting/xyz.nz?script=#{OAuth::Helper.escape(script_id)}&deploy=#{OAuth::Helper.escape(deploy_id)}")
# response = @token.get(url, {
#   'Authorization' => auth_header,
#   'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
#   'Accept' => 'application/json'
# })

puts "-------------------------------------"
puts "-------------------------------------"
puts auth_header
puts realm
puts script_id
puts deploy_id

puts "-------------------------------------"
puts "-------------------------------------"

puts "Response Code: #{response.code}"
puts "Response Message: #{response.message}"
puts "Response Body: #{response.body}"

if response.code.to_i == 200
  # Handle successful response
  puts "Import process complete"
  raise "Failed to fetch data: #{response.code} #{response.message} - #{response.body}"



def generate_auth_header(url) oauth_params = { oauth_consumer_key: @consumer.key, oauth_token: @token.token, oauth_signature_method: @consumer.options[:signature_method], oauth_timestamp: (Time.now.to_i + 120).to_s, oauth_nonce: generate_nonce, oauth_version: '1.0', realm: @realm }

base_string = generate_base_string(url, oauth_params)
puts "Base String: #{base_string}" # Log base string for debugging

oauth_signature = generate_signature(base_string)
puts "OAuth Signature: #{oauth_signature}" # Log the generated signature

oauth_params[:oauth_signature] = oauth_signature
auth_header = "OAuth " + oauth_params.map { |key, value| "#{key}=\"#{URI.encode(value.to_s)}\"" }.join(", ")

puts "Authorization Header: #{auth_header}" # Log the final auth header


def generate_nonce

Generate a random number between 0 and 99999999999 (11 digits)

rand(10**11).to_s.rjust(11, '0')


def generate_base_string(url, oauth_params) sorted_params = oauth_params.sort.to_h param_string = sorted_params.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{URI.encode(v.to_s)}" }.join("&")

http_method = "GET"
base_string = "#{http_method}&#{URI.encode(url)}&#{URI.encode(param_string)}"



def generate_base_string(url, oauth_params) sorted_params = oauth_params.sort.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{URI.encode(v.to_s)}" }.join("&") http_method = "GET" base_string = "#{http_method}&#{URI.encode(url)}&#{URI.encode(sorted_params)}" base_string end

def generate_signature(base_string) key = "#{@consumer.secret}&#{@token.secret}" hmac = OpenSSL::HMAC.digest('sha256', key, base_string) Base64.strict_encode64(hmac) end

Example usage

importer = SchemeDataImporter.new( "8xx", "x", "7xxxxxxx", "4xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "2xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "7xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "5xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" )

begin importer.import_data rescue => e puts e.message end

i am using ruby '2.4.6' & rails '5.2.3'

archana-codezen commented 1 month ago

i am using the same creds in postman and its working there.

pboling commented 2 weeks ago

There is a lot of information missing. What version of the gem are you using?