ob-algdatii-ss18 / leistungsnachweis-a-team-1

leistungsnachweis-a-team-1 created by GitHub Classroom
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Visualizing the A Star Algorithm

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Der A Stern Editor


This program implements the A* Algorithm for an undirected Graph in C++. In order to visualize the operation there is a GUI where you can alter the graph. You can change the size and the costs of the edges for example. In order to compare the algorithm with alternatives, you can execute Dijkstra and BFS, too.


First you have to download and install Qt on your computer. At least version 5.10.1 is required. Then you have to adjust the Qt-Path in the file "CMakeLists.txt" (e.g. set(CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH "F:\LIBRARIES\Qt\5.10.1\mingw53_32;")). After that you have to copy following files from the Qt-Path to $Projectfolder$\cmake-build-debug\src\Editor:
